27 Gulls & Terns & Skimmers Of Vietnam

Gulls & Terns & Skimmers Of Vietnam – Laridae

There are 27 Gulls & Terns & Skimmers of Vietnam which are known as Laridae. Laridae is a family of seabirds commonly known as gulls, terns, and skimmers. In Vietnam, the family is represented by a diverse range of species that are adapted to live along the country’s extensive coastline, as well as its inland wetlands and freshwater habitats. The Laridae family is an important part of Vietnam’s avian fauna, and its members can be found in a variety of different habitats, including estuaries, beaches, coral reefs, and lakes.

The family is known for its distinctive and often striking plumage, as well as its sharp bills and webbed feet, which make them well-adapted for their aquatic lifestyle. Several species of Laridae are migratory, and can be found in Vietnam during the winter months, while others are resident year-round. Despite being a common sight along Vietnam’s coast, many species of Laridae face threats from habitat loss, pollution, and other human impacts, making their conservation an important concern.

Habitat & Distribution

Laridae is a widespread bird family that includes gulls, terns, and skimmers. These birds are found in a variety of habitats, including coastal areas, wetlands, and lakes. In Vietnam, Laridae species can be found in a range of different environments, from the coastal areas of the South China Sea to the inland wetlands of the Mekong Delta. The distribution of Laridae species in Vietnam is influenced by both seasonal and geographic factors, with different species found in different regions throughout the year.

In coastal areas of Vietnam, Laridae species are commonly found along the shorelines and in estuaries, feeding on a variety of prey including fish, mollusks, and crustaceans. Terns such as the common tern (Sterna hirundo) and the Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia) are often found along the coast, and can be observed feeding and breeding in the sandy or rocky areas of the beach. Gulls, such as the black-headed gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus), can also be found along the coastline of Vietnam, and are known to nest in colonies on islands or along the shore.

Inland wetlands and lakes are also important habitats for Laridae species in Vietnam. These areas provide a rich source of food for birds such as the whiskered tern (Chlidonias hybridus) and the black-naped tern (Sterna sumatrana), which feed on fish and insects found in the shallow waters. The river delta regions of Vietnam are also known to support a range of Laridae species, with birds such as the river tern (Sterna aurantia) and the white-winged tern (Chlidonias leucopterus) being commonly observed


They can be seen in a variety of habitats, from coastal beaches and rocky shorelines to inland lakes and rivers. Laridae species are also known for their scavenging abilities, often feeding on the leftovers of other animals, as well as their ability to steal food from other birds. In addition to scavenging, they also hunt and catch small fish and other marine creatures, and some species are known to plunge-dive for food. Laridae birds are also highly social and can be seen in large flocks, often flying together in synchronized patterns.

They communicate with each other through a variety of calls and body language, which are used for both socializing and defending territories. Overall, Laridae birds display complex and adaptable behaviors, making them a fascinating group to observe in the wild.

Gulls build their nests on the ground using grasses, twigs, and other materials, and some species also nest on cliffs or in burrows. Gulls are monogamous, with pairs often returning to the same nesting site year after year.

The female usually lays 2-3 eggs, which are incubated by both parents for about three to four weeks. After hatching, the chicks are cared for by both parents and will fledge in about four to six weeks. Gull chicks are precocial, which means they are born with downy feathers and are able to leave the nest and forage for food soon after hatching.

Some gull species, such as Heuglin’s Gull and Saunders’s Gull, are known to hybridize with other gull species, creating hybrid forms that can make identification a challenge.

List 27 Gulls, Terns and Skimmers of Vietnam

1Saunders’s Gull
2Black-headed Gull
3Brown-headed Gull
4Relict Gull
5Pallas’s Gull
6Black-tailed Gull
7Common Gull
8Herring Gull
9Caspian Gull
10Lesser Black-backed Gull
11Brown Noddy
12White Tern
13Sooty Tern
14Bridled Tern
15Little Tern
16Gull-billed Tern
17Caspian Tern
18White-winged Tern
19Whiskered Tern
20Roseate Tern
21Black-naped Tern
22Common Tern
23Arctic Tern
24Black-bellied Tern
25River Tern
26Great Crested Tern
27Lesser Crested Tern

All Vietnam Birds Families

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