Bidoup Nui Ba National park. How to Explore wild & Nature in 2023

Bidoup Nui Ba National park. How to Explore wild & Nature in 2023

Occupying a densely forested highland plateau, this little-visited national park encompasses coniferous woodlands, bamboo groves and grasslands at altitudes between 650m and 2288m. It is also home to various primates, black bears and the vampire flying frog. Possible hikes include Thien Thai Waterfall (3.5km), Lang Biang Peak (9km) and an overnight camping trip to Bidoup mountain.The park is 50km north of Dalat and most people visit on a motorbike tour. English-speaking staff can be elusive.

Bidoup Nui Ba National park
Maps of Bidoup Nui Ba National Park

Why visit Bidoup Nui Ba National Park?

The most Diverse Ecosystem of Vietnam where is many of Endemic species

The most striking feature of Bidoup Nui Ba National Park is its incredibly diverse system of flora and fauna, many of which are listed in the IUCN Red Book. With 91% of the park composed of forestland, you will have an amazing time trekking through coniferous woodlands, grasslands, and bamboo groves.

Among the thousand flora species, 91 of them are exclusive to Lam Dong and its surrounding regions. That’s why their whereabouts were used to classify these species. Just have a quick search for dalatensis, langbianesis, and bidoupensis. You will be surprised by the remarkable vegetation that nature has granted this area.

The national forest houses several kinds of orchid, vivid and aromatic flower that radiates delicate, extravagant beauty. Hosting nearly 250 species, it has earned the title ‘Kingdom of Orchid’.

During your travel, you may encounter rare animal species such as black bears, vampire flying frogs, or yellow-cheeked gibbons. Also, the park used to be the habitat of a distinctive species of Gaur, with each reaching up to 2.5 meters in size and weighing around 1 tonne. Some ongoing speculation tells that one or two individuals still exist these days.

Thanks to its positioning at abnormally higher altitudes (650 meters to 2,288 meters above sea level), Bidoup Nui Ba National Park offers a refreshing atmosphere that can hardly be found in overcrowded tourist attractions.

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Only a few people know the fact that the peak of Bidoup is situated 2,287m above sea level, making it the roof of the entire Lam Dong province and Lam Vien plateau as well.

Accompanied by a guide you will likely see some of the stars of Bidoup-Nui Ba on your visit. Looking for a guided tour? Click here for guided tours in Bidoup-Nui Ba. We have visited many of Vietnam’s national parks, but no park beats Bidoup-Nui Ba national park when it comes to the best nature explore.


Bidoup Nui Ba National Park is more than just a place to learn about nature, it allows you to explore a novel culture, make friends with amicable people and challenge your physicality. With these tips, we hope you will create some unforgettable memories with your travel.

  • Getting to the park: Most people visit Bidoup Nui Ba National Park as a part of their travel in Da Lat. With a distance of 50 kilometers from the city centre, the best way to get there is on a motorcycle. With an affordable price of 130,000 VND for a full day rental and around 100,000 VND for a filled-up gas tank, you are ready for a wonderful trip to the one of the most famous conservation areas in the region.
  • Finding accommodation: A 2 to 3-day trip is recommended for anyone who wishes to explore the diverse ecosystem of Bidoup Nui Ba National Park. The easiest way to find a sleeping place is directly asking your tour guide. He will take you to villagers’ homes with extra guest rooms, or villas specialized for tourists.
  • Trying local delicacies: In the breezing weather of Langbiang at night, nothing is more appetizing than fragrant, sizzling grilled meat. The juicy meat is complemented by a special spice blend, which goes so well with the traditional ‘ruou can. Just remember to order one or two hours beforehand in order to get a well-prepared dish.
  • Go with a local guide: for general actives mostly you could explore by yourself or book national park services, but for “Wildlife explore” we recommend booking a tour guide ahead for the best arrange
  • Visit on weekdays: In Dalat city is crowned most of the time, especially on the Weekend when many young people come for fresh air weekend, but if you just out of the city and come to Bidoup-Nui Ba National Park, you are almost out of the crown.
  • Bring a sweater: It’s quite cool year round, especially at Night-time when the tempter from 10-20 Celcius, so take sweater incase you will be need it.
  • Park restaurants close early: If you are planning to stay at the HQ of Bidoup Nui Ba National Park, you must ask for the restaurant to be booked ahead.
  • Accommodations: Two-day trips to Bidoup are highly recommended if you want to discover the unique ecosystem. There are options for camping in the park as well as homestays for the ethnic minority. It is best to arrange these kinds of accommodation through a guide, as they are hard to book on your own. A bit outside the park, in Lac Duong, there are also accommodations that offer more comfort.
  • Park fees: 60.000 VNĐ for Adults

What is there to see?

The park is among 221 endemic bird area (EBA) in the word. It includes 3 Important Bird Area (IBA) among 63 IBAs in Viet Nam with 226 species such as Vietnamese Greenfinch can be found in the pines all the way along the trail, with Red Crossbill in the pines nearer the summit, Green Cochoa, White-cheeked Laughingthrush, Black-throated Sunbird, Vietnamese Cutia, Grey-crowned Crocias. Indochinese Green Magpie, Yellow-billed Nuthatch, Black-hooded…

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Four major natural systems occurring in the area: medium montane subtropical moist evergreen rainforest, subtropical moist evergreen rainforest, medium montane subtropical dry coniferous forest, and mixed bamboo forest; and two major river systems.

There are 15 named mountains in Bidoup Núi Bà National Park. The highest and most prominent mountain is Núi Bi Doup.

Unique Flora

In coniferous tree species, Pinus krempfii and Pinus dalatensis are two narrow endemic species that are only found in the park and surrounding areas. In Elfin forest area,  flower species of Ericaceae is Rhododendron exelsum is found. Fire-resistant trees such as Helicia niligirica, Lyonia ovalifolia, and Quercus lanata.

Globally threatened species such as Cycas micholitzii (VU), Afzelia xylocarpa (EN), and also Lithocarpus truncatus, Magnolia baillonii and Anoectochilus setaceus are found in the area. Thirty-nine (39) plant species are endemic to the Bidoup area, following geographical names in Dalat Plateau, including 10 species named dalatensis and 11 species named bidoupensis, and one very narrow endemic species Pinus krempfii.

Unique Fauna

The globally endangered Red-cheeked Gibbon Nomascus gabriellae, an endemic primate species to South Indochina, is found locally common in the park. Two species of Artiodactyla are listed as nationally and globally threatened (VAST 2007 and IUCN 2016): Gaur Bos gaurus, and Sumatran Serow Capricornis sumatraensis; the Southern Red Muntjac Muntiacus muntjak is listed as nationally vulnerable by VAST (2007).

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The image of a civet (Chrotogale owstoni) captured by camera traps (Photo: VNA)
| a camera-trap survey on the site from October 2019 to March 2020.

Lesser Hairy-winged Bat Harpiocephalus harpia is listed as national threatened by VAST (2007) and the Da Lat’s Tube-nosed Bat Murina harpioloides is endemic to Da Lat plateau. Species of Muridae family, with many species are endemic to Central Highlands and even to only Da Lat plateau.

The Passeriformes is abundant among the birds. More than 20% of butterflies in the area are found only in Bidoup-Nui Ba National Park. Two butterfly species Teinopalpus aureus and Troides helena are listed in the Appendix II of CITES.

18 of the 304 bird species are listed as nationally and globally threatened (VAST 2007 and IUCN 2016) or listed as nationally protected species by the PM’s Decree No. 32/2006. Endemic birds include Vietnamese Greenfinch Carduelis monguilloti, Grey-crowned Crocias Crocias langbianis, and Collared Laughingthrush Trochalopteron yersini.

birding tour in Vietnam

Other Activities to Try at Bidoup Nui Ba National Park beside wildlife

Walking Trip

Before you set off, there are a few possible routes, with each one possessing a unique charm. You can come across and admire the stunning Thien Thai Waterfall via a short track of 3.5 kilometers. The vigorous streaming of the valley creates a holistic scene that goes beyond your imagination, hence explaining its reputation as the ‘Kingdom of the Immortals.’

For a little more challenge, climb up the peak of Langbiang mountain via a steeper, longer track of 9 kilometers. The reward comes at the end of the hike when a panoramic view of the park lies in front of your eyes.

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Bidoup Nui Ba National park. How to Explore wild & Nature in 2023 15

If you can spare 2 days of your travel in Bidoup Nui Ba National Park, a 30-kilometer hiking trip throughout the forest is worth considering. There are accommodations available for sleeping overnight, and several exciting activities awaiting you when the sun sets.

Because of the vast area of the park, it is advisable to ask for assistance from a local guide or one of the forest rangers. Walking definitely requires some exertion of energy, but it is the best way to discover the land’s nature and culture.

Building a Bonfire and Camping Overnight

Too many travel enthusiasts, overnight camping is an exhilarating experience, and luckily, it is possible at Bidoup Nui Ba National Park. Just prepare the necessary equipment, including those for nighttime recreational activities, take a ride to the park, and travel around before finally stopping at Bidoup Mountain. There, pitch your tent, build up a bonfire and have a cozy time with your loved ones in the chilly midnight weather of Langbiang plateau.

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Exploring Culture with Native People

Vietnamese people are well known for their hospitality, and the people in the Langbiang plateau is no exception. Besides being a  diligent tour guide, they also give you various chances to gain an insight of their culture. 

For those camping overnight, have a taste of the traditional rice wine (often known by the name ‘ruou can’) around your bonfire. The liquor’s sweet, intense flavor is the precise depiction of the local’s characters. They are warm-hearted, passionate individuals who always keep their doors open for fellow human beings. 

You may be accustomed to drinking in glass, but to fully appreciate the flavor of ‘ruou can’, you must drink it through the straws attached to the wine pot. 

And what could be a better way to socialize than a dance? Sometimes, people from the tribe (known by the name K’ho) would gather around a large bonfire and have a dance party. You will notice a peculiar, echoing sound of the gong, a unique instrument of ethnicities in the Central Highland. Come close and with just a little instruction from the friendly locals, you will master the gong dance. 

Are you looking for Wildlife Tours in Vietnam?

WANEE VIETNAM is the right place for the "Wildlife Tours in Vietnam", we specialize in Birding, Wildlife watching, Herping, Photography-tours and general Edu-tours by our experts.

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How to get to Bidoup-Nui Ba national park?

Getting there from Ho Chi Minh City

Bidoup Nui Ba National Park is located north of Dalat, so if you’re coming from Ho Chi Minh City, you’ll need to travel to Dalat first. Since Dalat is very popular among the residents of Ho Chi Minh City, you don’t have to worry about transportation. There are dozens of buses at night, limousine buses during the day and even domestic flights.

From Dalat to Bidoup National Park

The best way to get to Bidoup National Park is by tour, which includes a direct transfer from Dalat as well as a guided walking tour and food.

View our Bidoup National Park tour camping & trekking 2 days here.

If you want to go to the park yourself, rent a car with a driver for a whole day and negotiate the price. This is better than a taxi, as the distance from Dalat is 50 kilometers and the park is far from other attractions, so getting a taxi back will be tricky.

A cheaper option may be to rent a scooter or motorbike and drive to the park yourself. You just have to follow the QL27C from the city until you see the entrance to the national park on your left.

Weather & climate in Bidoup-Nui Ba national park

Bidoup is located high in the Langbiang plateau, so it can be cool all year round. For camping and hiking, the dry season is the best time of year, from November to March.

Due to the terrain favored by nature, located at an extremely ideal height. So Dalat city is surrounded by immense green pine forest, along with all year round cool temperate climate. Dalat is the city with the best climate in Vietnam. The climate is cool all year round, the average temperature is not exceeding 20 – 21 degrees Celsius – even on the hottest days. And one more special thing is that Dalat is not too cold. During the winter months, the temperature is not less than 10 degrees Celsius.

In addition, the temperatures around this time of year are ideal for outdoor activities.

Dry season

General information: mostly starting from December to March. The estimated annual amount of radiation is not as high as 2,258 hours/year.

Rainy season

General information: from April to October. But most of the time it peaks in July, September, and October. This season, Dalat is often affected by the Southwest monsoon. The average rainfall is 1 562 mm and the average humidity is 80%.

In Dalat, there is also a typical weather phenomenon which is fog. The most popular times are from February to May and from September to October. 

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