Vietnam Birding Fixed date tour on 2024

Tour nameFixed date 2023 – 2024GroupsPrice/pax
Cat Tien & Dalat [7D-6N]17-Dec 2023 – 23- Dec 20234-8 Pax$ US 1,280
Central Highland & South [12D-11N]2-Jan 2024 – 13-Jan 20243-6 Pax$ US 2,600
Central & South [17D-16N]15-Jan 2024 – 31-Jan 20244-6 Pax$ US 3,800
VIETNAM [18D-17N]15-Feb 2024 – 3-Mar 20244-6 Pax$ US 4,340

Short Birding Tours

Perfect for birders with limited time or newcomers to birdwatching, these tours offer a snapshot of Vietnam’s bird diversity. Traverse through select habitats and witness a diverse array of bird species, all within a compact timeframe.

Long Birding Tours

Dive deep into the heart of Vietnam’s ornithological treasures with our Long Birding Tours. Designed for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts, these extended tours provide comprehensive explorations of diverse habitats & unique birds. From the dense rainforests to tranquil wetlands, immerse yourself in the symphony of chirps, songs, and calls, and discover the rich of bird species that Vietnam hosts.

Birding & Culture

Marry of birdwatching with the richness of Vietnamese culture in our Birding & Culture Tours. Beyond the birds plumage and melodious calls, delve into the traditions, history, and customs of Vietnam. As you spot exotic bird species, also immerse yourself in local culture, culinary delights.

FAQs 1

Birding in Vietnam is an attractive activity for birdwatchers, ornithologists, and nature enthusiasts due to several reasons:
Rich Bird Diversity: Vietnam is home to over 900 species of birds, making it a prime destination for birding. Many of these species are endemic and can only be found in the country.
Scenic Landscapes: Vietnam has a diverse landscape ranging from tropical rainforests to rolling hills, offering birders an array of habitats to explore.
Easy Access: Vietnam is well-connected and easy to travel around, making it convenient for birders to get to the best birding spots.
Friendly Culture: Vietnam is known for its friendly and welcoming people, making birding a pleasant and enjoyable experience for visitors.
Affordability: Compared to other birding destinations in Asia, birding in Vietnam is relatively affordable, making it accessible for birders on a budget.

“Join us for a truly unforgettable birding or bird photography experience in Vietnam! With our expert local knowledge, years of experience, and commitment to safety, we guarantee you won’t find a better option.”

Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites

Local Knowledge: Our guides are highly knowledgeable about the local habitats, birds, and wildlife in Vietnam, giving you an in-depth understanding of the region and ensuring you have the best possible birding experience.

Experiences: Our team has years of experience leading birding and wildlife tours in Vietnam and have developed a deep understanding of the best spots to go and the best times to visit. This means you can be confident that your trip will be a success.

Trust and Safety: Our top priority is the safety and comfort of our visitors. We understand the importance of trust when it comes to traveling and is committed to providing a safe, enjoyable, and memorable experience. We have a track record of delivering top-quality services, and our clients trust us to provide the best possible birding and wildlife-watching experiences in Vietnam.

TIPs for Plan birding Trip
TIME: Vietnam has two main birding seasons, one from October to April and the other from June to August. Depending on the type of birds you want to see, you can plan your trip accordingly.
Location: Vietnam has several popular birding destinations, including Cat Tien National Park, Cuc Phuong National Park, and Tam Dao National Park. Choose a location that offers the right habitat for the species you want to see.
Local guide: A local guide can help you find the right birding spots and identify the species you see. They can also provide you with valuable information about the local culture and customs.
Gears: Binoculars, a camera, and a bird identification book are essential for a successful birding trip. If you’re birding in areas with tall grass or dense forests, bring a tripod and a scope to help you get a better view.
Respect local wildlife: When birding in Vietnam, it’s important to respect the local wildlife. Keep a safe distance from the birds and avoid disturbing their habitat.
Be prepared for the weather: The weather in Vietnam can be hot and humid, so be prepared with plenty of water and sun protection. Wear lightweight and breathable clothing, and bring insect repellent to protect yourself from mosquitoes.
Plan your itinerary: Before you leave, plan your itinerary carefully. Take into account the locations you want to visit, the type of birds you want to see, and the time of day when the birds are most active.
Enjoy the experience: Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the experience! Birding in Vietnam is a unique opportunity to see some of the world’s most beautiful and exotic birds, so make the most of it.

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