How to Birding in Mekong Delta: Discover Serene Wetland Adventures for 7 Birding Delights

Birding in Mekong Delta unveils a haven where nature unfurls in its full grandeur. The Mekong Delta offers an unparalleled birding experience, characterized by habitats as diverse as they are enchanting. From the shimmering intertidal mudflats and vast salt-pans to bustling shrimp ponds and the serene mangrove and melaleuca forests, every corner of the Delta promises discovery. Sprawling seasonally inundated grasslands, swamps, canals, and rivers further enrich the landscape.

Complementing this natural spectacle are accessible national parks like Tan Thanh – Go Cong, Tram Chim, Bac Lieu Bird Sanctuary, U Minh Thuong Np., and Ca Mau Np., all within a comfortable drive from Ho Chi Minh City. Truly, the Mekong Delta stands as a testament to nature’s splendor and a paradise for avid birders.

Bird Highlights:

Totally Bird: The Mekong Delta boasts of a spectacular tally of about 350 bird species, casting a particular allure for enthusiasts with its myriad waterbirds.

Bird Highlight: While the region teems with birds, certain species undoubtedly steal the show. Egrets and herons dominate reserved areas and bird sanctuaries in sheer numbers. Waterfowls, cormorants, kingfishers, and bee-eaters display their magnificence almost everywhere. Yet, the real gems lie in the endangered and threatened species that grace the area. Notable among them are the Sarus Crane, Lesser Adjutant, and the Bengal Florican. If your journey takes you to the river mouths or muddy beaches, prepare to be captivated by the graceful waders – from the rare Spoon-billed Sandpiper to the ever-vigilant Plovers and Greenshanks.

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Most highlights Birding in Mekong Delta

Sarus Crane, Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Nordmann’s Greenshank, Asian Golden Weaver, and lots of waterbirds

Birding Route

Place for as many as possible Bird: The Mekong Delta offers a range of diverse habitats that attract numerous bird species. Coastal provinces such as Bac Lieu, Soc Trang, Ca Mau, and Tan Thanh – Go Cong in Tien Giang, with their rich intertidal mudflats, are especially enticing for migratory birds. These regions boast a profusion of birds like Egrets, Herons, Cormorants, Kingfishers, Bee-eaters, and various waders such as Plovers and Greenshanks. Away from the coast, in the heart of the delta, areas like Tram Chim National Park provide refuge to a multitude of wetland birds like the Bengal Florican and the iconic Sarus Crane, making it a must-visit for any birdwatcher.

Place for Specific Bird: For enthusiasts who are on the lookout for specific birds, it’s worth noting that coastal regions in the Mekong Delta offer the best chance to spot migratory species. Especially, Soc Trang and Tan Thanh – Go Cong are known habitats for the Spoon-billed Sandpiper and the Eurasian Oystercatcher. However, if you find yourself birding outside the migration season, fret not! The inland water regions still promise a bevy of wetland bird sightings, with species like Bengal Florican and Sarus Crane often being the stars of the show.

Note: When planning your birding trip in the Mekong Delta, consider the migration season and the specific type of habitat you’re keen on exploring. If migration birds are on your checklist, opt for coastal provinces. For year-round birding opportunities, especially wetland species, the inner regions of the delta are your best bet.

Birding Routes in the Mekong Delta: A Comprehensive Guide

Birdwatching in the Mekong Delta is a delight for both beginners and seasoned enthusiasts, thanks to its mostly open habitats like grasslands and canals. The convenience of reaching these sites within a day or two further enhances the birding experience. Let’s delve into some of the prime birding locations within this region:

1. Tan Thanh – Go Cong:
Travel Time: Approximately 3 hours from Ho Chi Minh city or an hour from My Tho when traveling by private car.
Birds of Note: A paradise for waders and tern enthusiasts. Notably, the site is home to the Chinese Egret, Far Eastern Curlew, the Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Asian Dowitcher, Spotted Greenshank, Great and Red Knot, Caspian and Gull-billed Terns, and the breeding White-faced Plover. Especially, the intertidal mudflats at Tan Thanh beach are renowned for spotting the Far Eastern Curlew and Spoon-billed Sandpiper.

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2. Tram Chim National Park:
Highlight: Best known for being a wintering site for the Sarus Crane.
Birds of Interest: Indian Spot-billed Duck, Greater and Lesser Adjutants, Painted Stork, Greater Spotted Eagle, and Asian Golden Weaver. Overnight facilities and restaurants are available in nearby towns, making it a convenient stopover.

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3. Tra Su Melaleuca Forest:
Location: An hour’s drive from Chau Doc, near the Cambodian border.
Habitats: Melaleuca plantation, seasonally inundated grassland, and swamp forest.
Key Species: Home to a massive heronry featuring Little and Cattle Egrets, Javan Pond-heron, and Black-crowned Night-heron. Other birds like the Indian Spot-billed Duck, Asian Openbill, Oriental Darter, and the rare Milky Stork are also present.

4. Bac Lieu Bird Sanctuary:
Proximity: A short distance from Bac Lieu city.
Specialty: Although the sanctuary has a limited number of species, it boasts a staggering abundance. Thousands of breeding waterbirds reside here, primarily egrets, cormorants, and Black-crowned Night-heron. Look out for the Spot-billed Pelican, Black Ibis, and Painted Stork.

5. U Minh Thuong National Park:
Characteristics: The park, located further south, is known for its melaleuca swamp forests teeming with colonies of breeding waterbirds.
Species Highlight: Lesser Adjutant, Painted Stork, Asian Openbill, Black-headed and Glossy Ibises, Spot-billed Pelican, and Greater Spotted Eagle. Simple accommodation options are available nearby for an extended stay.

6. Ca Mau National Park:
Location: Positioned at the southwestern extremity of mainland Vietnam.
Birds to Watch: Painted Stork, Black-headed Ibis, Chinese Egret, and Spot-billed Pelican.

Each of these sites offers a unique birding experience, enhanced by the region’s diverse habitats and climatic conditions. Whether you’re on a brief excursion or an extended tour, the Mekong Delta promises an unforgettable birdwatching adventure.


Best time: The prime time for birdwatching in the Mekong Delta is during the migration season, which spans from November to April. During these months, not only do you have the chance to witness a variety of migratory birds gracing the delta, but it also becomes relatively easier to spot the resident wetland birds. This period provides a rich birdwatching experience, showcasing the biodiversity of the region.

Bad time: While there’s no particular “bad” time for birding as the delta offers year-round opportunities, the months outside the migration season may not provide as dense and varied a bird population as the peak season does. However, enthusiasts might still enjoy the sightings of numerous wetland species and other resident birds.


The Mekong Delta, nestled in Southeast Vietnam, enjoys a humid tropical and sub-equatorial climate. With average temperatures ranging between 23°C and 34°C, it remains comfortably warm throughout the year. Moreover, the temperature variance between day and night isn’t too stark, ensuring a more steady climate. This area is less prone to storms or typhoons, making it an optimal location for various agricultural practices and, of course, birding.

Rainy Season (May to October): Running from May through October, the rainy season in the Mekong Delta is characterized by short afternoon showers, typically lasting just about an hour. Although this period marks the peak of humidity and heat, it doesn’t drastically affect birdwatching activities. It might be less popular for general tourism, yet, it boasts an array of fresh, locally-grown fruits like dragon fruits and mangoes. Fishing, too, is believed to be more fruitful during these months.

Dry Season (November to April): Stretching from November to April, the dry season showcases the Mekong Delta in all its splendor. While certain rivers might become less accessible, leading to potential restrictions on boat journeys in secluded regions, the climate remains favorable. The azure sky, thriving greenery, and tranquil rivers paint a picturesque scene, making it an idyllic time for birdwatchers to enjoy the serene landscapes without any rainfall interruptions.

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“The best time for birding in Mekong Delta is from Nov to Mar when it is not much rain and migratory time”

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Transportation & Accommodations in the Mekong Delta: Travel and Stay with Ease


Reaching the Mekong Delta is straightforward with various transportation modes catering to different preferences and needs:

  • Private Car: Ideal for those who prioritize comfort, flexibility, and are traveling in groups. This option allows you to set your own pace and make spontaneous stops along the route.
  • Express Bus: Suitable for individuals or travelers on a budget. These buses run frequently, connecting major cities and towns in the region.
  • Motorbike: For the adventurous, this method offers unmatched freedom to explore the Mekong Delta’s nooks and crannies. However, one should be familiar with local traffic norms and conditions.

Your choice will largely depend on your point of origin and personal preferences.


The Mekong Delta, a renowned tourist hub, offers accommodations to cater to various budgets:

  • General: Almost every town in the Mekong Delta has hotels, ensuring you’re never too far from a comfortable bed.
  • Tram Chim National Park: For birding enthusiasts wanting to stay close to nature, the Wild Bird Hotel is the prime choice in the vicinity.
  • My Tho: For those headed towards Tan Thanh Beach, Chuong Duong Hotel in My Tho comes highly recommended for its quality services and strategic location.
  • Chau Doc: As a tourist attraction, Chau Doc boasts various accommodation options. From basic lodgings to luxury, there’s something for every traveler. The Pho Chau Hotel stands out for its blend of comfort and affordability, while the Victoria Hotel offers 5-star amenities and services.

With this transportation and accommodation guide in hand, you’re all set for a seamless and unforgettable experience in the Mekong Delta.

The best tour covers Birding in the Mekong delta

Hot-spot for Birding in Vietnam 

all birding in hot-spot informative info [updated Jan 2023]

Nr.: Nature reserve; Np. National Park; mt. Mountain

Notice for Birders in the Mekong Delta: Tips for an Optimal Experience

  1. Habitats: Mekong Delta’s diverse habitats range from intertidal mudflats to melaleuca forests. Remember to pack appropriate footwear and clothing, especially if you’re planning to traverse through muddy areas.
  2. Bird Species: With around 350 species recorded in the region, it’s a paradise for birdwatchers. However, spotting some rare species like the Sarus Crane or Spoon-billed Sandpiper may require patience and possibly local guidance.
  3. Best Time: For optimal birdwatching, plan your visit between November to April. This is the migration season and also the dry season, enhancing visibility of wetland birds.
  4. Climate: Prepare for the region’s humid tropical climate. It’s recommended to bring rain gear if visiting during the rainy season (May to October), and sun protection during the dry season.
  5. Locations: Coastal areas like Soc Trang and Tan Thanh – Go Cong are prime for migratory birds. In contrast, inland areas like Tram Chim National Park offer sightings of wetland birds year-round.
  6. Transportation: Assess the best mode of transportation for your journey. A private car offers the most flexibility, but other modes like express buses and motorbikes can be more economical.
  7. Accommodations: Always book your accommodations in advance, especially if visiting popular birding sites like Tram Chim National Park where options like the Wild Bird Hotel can get booked quickly.
  8. Local Guidance: Engaging a local guide or joining a birdwatching group can significantly enhance your experience, offering local knowledge on bird habitats and behaviors.
  9. Respect the Environment: This region is not only a haven for birds but also a home for many communities. Ensure you leave no trace, dispose of waste responsibly, and respect local customs and protected areas.
  10. Safety: Always notify someone of your birdwatching route, especially if heading to more remote areas. This ensures that in case of any unforeseen circumstances, you can be quickly located.

Remember, birdwatching in the Mekong Delta is not just about spotting birds; it’s about immersing yourself in the region’s rich biodiversity and culture. Enjoy your experience and happy birding!

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