Category Archives: Birds of Vietnam

Birds of North Central Coast Vietnam – Full bird list [update 2023]

Birds of North Central Coast Vietnam [update 2023] which covers 724 species over time, Endemics, near-endemic, and highlight – Review by Thang Nguyen. Overview Birds of North Central Coast Vietnam – last update Feb/2023 Number of species: 724Number of globally threatened species: 29Number of introduced species: 5 The highlight of Birds of North Central Coast […]

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20 Babblers Of Vietnam

Babbler of Vietnam – Timaliidae With 20 species Babblers of Vietnam, occurring over the country. The Babblers family has a rainbow in their family appearance, some species are really hard to see, and some are easy but this family has a private special such as Chestnut-capped Babbler has a redhead, Slender-billed Scimitar Babbler has a […]

Birds of Red River Delta Vietnam – Full bird list [update 2023]

Birds of Red River Delta Vietnam [update 2023] which covers 767 species over time, Endemics, near-endemic, and highlight – Review by Thang Nguyen. Overview Birds of Red River Delta Vietnam – last update Feb/2023 Number of species: 767Number of endemics: 1Number of globally threatened species: 36Number of introduced species: 3 The highlight of Birds of […]

Birds of North East Vietnam – Full bird list [update 2023]

Birds of North East Vietnam [update 2023] which covers 800 species over time, Endemics, near-endemic, and highlight – Review by Thang Nguyen. Overview Birds of North East Vietnam – last update Feb/2023 Number of species: 800Number of globally threatened species: 37Number of introduced species: 3 The highlight of Birds of North East Vietnam Endemic & […]

16 Parrotbills Of Vietnam

Parrotbills of Vietnam – Paradoxornithidae (Sylviidae) With 16 species Parrotbills of Vietnam, occurring over the Highlands, especially the Northern Highlands make the bird diversity in this site get a huge difference from others. Parrotbills like their name with a long and curved beak but inside a Warbler body make them become one of the most […]

4 Monarch Flycatchers Of Vietnam

Monarch Flycatchers of Vietnam – Monarchidae With 4 species Monarch Flycatchers of Vietnam, although they are one of a family number of species fewest in Vietnam, every species in this family live throughout occurring in the country. The overview of Monarch Flycatchers families The Monarchs (family Monarchidae) comprise a family of over 100 passerine birds […]

Birds of Bach Ma National Park – Full bird list [update 2023]

Birds of Bach Ma National Park [update 2023] which covers 349 species over time, Endemics, near-endemic, and highlight – Review by Thang Nguyen. Overview Birds of Bach Ma National park – last update Feb/2023 Around 340 bird species have been recorded at Bach Ma National Park. Most notable is a recent record of the globally endangered Edwards’s Pheasant […]