How’s to birding in Sa Mu Pass

Why birding in Sa Mu Pass

Lowland and lower montane evergreen forest up to 1100 m an hour’s drive north of Khe Sanh close to the border with Laos. The main target here is the Rufous-cheeked Laughingthrush, a species with a scattered range limited to areas of northern and central Vietnam, neighboring parts of Laos, an isolated population at Ba Vi National Park in northern Vietnam and China’s Hainan Island.

Other species of interest that can be seen in the area include Great and Moustached Barbets, Collared Babbler, Indochinese Wren-babbler and Lesser Necklaced, Black-throated, and White-cheeked Laugingthrushes.

What to see?

Bird fauna Birding Sa Mu Pass


Most highlights Sa Mu Pass

List of birds

When is the best time for birding in Sa Mu Pass

Before focusing on birding we must know

Sa Mu Pass Climate


Monthly Averages

Historical monthly average weather conditions for Sa Mu Pass.

Average Hourly Temperature in Khe Sanh WANEE Go-WILD
frigid15°Ffreezing32°Fvery cold45°Fcold55°Fcool65°Fcomfortable75°Fwarm85°Fhot95°Fsweltering
The average hourly temperature, color-coded into bands. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight.

“The best time for birding in Sa Mu Pass is from Nov to Dec when it is not much rain and migratory time”

Note that It will be cool, you should prepare for clothing

Where birding in Sa Mu Pass

Birding routes


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Tips for birding in Sa Mu Pass





The best tour cover Birding in Sa Mu Pass

Hot-spot for Birding in Vietnam 

all birding in hot-spot informative info [updated Jan 2023]

Nr. Nature reserve; Np. National Park; mt. Mountain

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