Category Archives: Birds of Vietnam

Orange-breasted Laughingthrush

Spotting the Orange-breasted Laughingthrush in Vietnam: Top 2 Locations

Identification of Orange-breasted Laughingthrush The Orange-breasted Laughingthrush is a dull-brown bird distinguished by its dark throat, speckled orange breast, and a thin ochre-orange line that elegantly curves over the eye. It has a heavy, somewhat corvid-like dark bill, giving it a unique appearance. Distinctive Features:The Orange-breasted Laughingthrush is unlikely to be confused with any other […]


Spotting the Black-crowned Fulvetta in Vietnam: Top 4 Locations

Identification of Black-crowned Fulvetta The Black-crowned Fulvetta is an adorable small bird with large, liquid cartoon-like eyes. It has a plain brown overall plumage. The dark crown is patterned with jagged pale streaks, and its pale face is marked by a broad black stripe above the ear and a distinctive “teardrop” mark below the eye. […]

Collared Laughingthrush WANEE Go-WILD

Vietnam Endemic Birds Checklist: 13 Endemic, 25 Near-Endemic, and 9 Subspecies Endemic Birds

Vietnam Endemic Birds checklist updates on 1. 8. 2024 from numerous sources we’ve compiled, showcasing Vietnam’s unique avian diversity and rich birdlife. Vietnam Endemic Birds Checklist Edwards’s Pheasant (Lophura edwardsi) Annam Prinia (Prinia rocki) Dalat Bush Warbler (Locustella idonea) Black-crowned Fulvetta (Schoeniparus klossi) White-throated Wren-Babbler (Napothera pasquieri) Vietnamese Cutia (Cutia legalleni) Gray-crowned Crocias (Laniellus langbianis) Collared Laughingthrush (Trochalopteron yersini) Golden-winged Laughingthrush (Trochalopteron ngoclinhense) Orange-breasted Laughingthrush (Garrulax […]

Thriving Beauty: 15 Colorful Finches of Vietnam That Will Amaze You

Thriving Beauty: 15 Colorful Finches of Vietnam That Will Amaze You

Finches of Vietnam – Fringillidae Finches of Vietnam are a beautiful and diverse group of birds found all over the world. There is 15 species of finches, each with its unique colors and characteristics that make them a fascinating subject of study for bird enthusiasts. From the brilliant reds and yellows of the Vietnamese Greenfinch […]

15 Species of Pipits and Wagtails in Vietnam: A Guide to Their Diversity and Habitat

15 Species of Pipits and Wagtails in Vietnam: A Guide to Their Diversity and Habitat

Pipits and Wagtails In Vietnam – Motacillidae Pipits and wagtails in Vietnam are diverse of bird species, and among them are fascinating and beautiful. These small, slender birds are known for their distinctive plumage, unique behavior, and melodious songs. In Vietnam, there are 15 species of pipits and wagtails that can be found in different […]

Exploring the Diversity of Sparrows in Vietnam: 4 Fascinating Species

Exploring the Diversity of Sparrows in Vietnam: 4 Fascinating Species

Sparrows in Vietnam – Passeridae Sparrows in Vietnam are a group of small passerine birds that are found all over the country. Despite their small size, these birds are known for their hardy nature, adaptability, and resilience. In Vietnam, there are four species of sparrows that are particularly fascinating to observe and learn about. The […]

Waxbills in Vietnam Discovering the Vibrant World of 8 Species Found

Waxbills in Vietnam Discovering the Vibrant World of 8 Species Found

Waxbills in Vietnam – Estrildidae Vietnam is home to a diverse range of bird species, and among them are the fascinating and colorful waxbills. These small, brightly colored finches are popular among bird enthusiasts for their stunning plumage, interesting behavior, and delightful songs. In Vietnam, there are eight species of waxbills that can be found […]

Vibrant Trio of Weavers in Vietnam: Exploring the Colors and Craftsmanship of These Skilled Birds

Vibrant Trio of Weavers in Vietnam: Exploring the Colors and Craftsmanship of These Skilled Birds

Weavers in Vietnam – Ploceidae The weaver bird family is known for their intricate nests and beautiful plumage. There are three species of weavers in Vietnam that can be found. Each species has its own unique characteristics that make them a wonder to behold. All three species of weavers are known for their social behavior, […]

Radiant Trio of Leafbirds in Vietnam: Exploring the Vibrant World of These Colorful Wonders

Radiant Trio of Leafbirds in Vietnam: Exploring the Vibrant World of These Colorful Wonders

Leafbirds in Vietnam – Chloropseidae There are three species of Leafbirds in Vietnam, which are known for their vibrant colors and striking appearance. These birds are found in various habitats across the country and have different behaviors, diets, and reproductive habits All three species of leafbirds found in Vietnam have a similar appearance, with bright […]