Category Archives: Birds of Vietnam

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73 Flycatchers Of Vietnam

Flycatcher of Vietnam – Muscicapidae With 73 Flycatchers of Vietnam, occurring on every corner of the country. Flycatcher is a family of the crowdest order so they have many types, sizes, colors, and habitat although they do not have any endemic species. They help our journey get more interesting with their appearance. You may know: […]

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23 Thrushes Of Vietnam

Thrushes of Vietnam – Turdidae With 23 species Thrushes of Vietnam, occurring over the country. They are permanently resident in warm climates, while others migrate to higher latitudes during summer, often over considerable distances. Orange-headed Thrush is outstanding with this characteristic. You may know: Thrush does not have an impressive size but their voice is […]

Birds of North West Vietnam – Full bird list [update 2023]

Birds of North West Vietnam [update 2023] which covers 670 species over time, Endemics, near-endemic, and highlight – Review by Thang Nguyen. Overview Birds of North West Vietnam – last update Feb/2023 Number of species: 670Number of globally threatened species: 21Number of introduced species: 2 The highlight of Birds of North West Vietnam Endemic & […]

Birds of Mekong Delta Vietnam – Full bird list [update 2023]

Birds of Mekong Delta Vietnam [update 2023] which covers 519 species over time, Endemics, near-endemic, and highlight – Review by Thang Nguyen. Overview Birds of Mekong Delta Vietnam – last update Feb/2023 Number of species: 519Number of globally threatened species: 27Number of introduced species: 4 The highlight of Birds of Mekong Delta Vietnam Endemic & […]

Birds of South East Vietnam – Full bird list [update 2023]

Birds of South East Vietnam [update 2023] which covers 673 species over time, Endemics, near-endemic, and highlight – Review by Thang Nguyen. Overview Birds of South East Vietnam – last update Feb/2023 Number of species: 673Number of globally threatened species: 37Number of introduced species: 6 The highlight of Birds of South East Vietnam Endemic & […]

46 Laughingthrushs Of Vietnam

Laughingthrush of Vietnam – Leiothrichidae With 46 species Laughingthrushs of Vietnam, occurring over the country. Laughinhthrush is the most numerous and also the most beautiful family with the most endemic species in Vietnam. There are 8 endemic species Vietnamese Cutia, Gray-crowed Crocias, Collared Laughingthrush, Golden-winged Laughingthrush, Black-crowned Barwing, Orange-breasted Laughingthrush, Black-hooded Laughingthrush, Chestnut-eared Laughingthrush. They […]

Kontum Plateau Endemic and Highlight bird

Birds of Central Highland Vietnam – Full bird list [update 2023]

Birds of Central Highland Vietnam [update 2023] which covers 682 species over time, Endemics, near-endemic, and highlight – Review by Thang Nguyen. Overview Birds of Central Highland Vietnam – last update Feb/2023 Number of species: 682Number of globally threatened species: 30Number of introduced species: 4 The highlight of Birds of Central Highland Vietnam Endemic & […]

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18 Ground Babblers Of Vietnam

Ground Babbler of Vietnam – Pellorneidae With 18 species Ground Babblers of Vietnam, occurring over the country. Ground Babbler family has close relatives to the Babbler family and both of them belong to the superfamily Sylvioidea. Although they are not as colorful as Babbler, Collared Babbler is a jewel that helps this family defeat all […]

Birds of South Central Coast Vietnam – Full bird list [update 2023]

Birds of South Central Coast Vietnam [update 2023] which covers 699 species over time, Endemics, near-endemic, and highlight – Review by Thang Nguyen. Overview Birds of South Central Coast Vietnam – last update Feb/2023 Number of species: 699Number of globally threatened species: 26Number of introduced species: 4 The South Central Coast region of Vietnam is […]