Category Archives: Birds of Vietnam

Starlings of Vietnam: 17 Species to Discover Among The Country

Starlings of Vietnam: 17 Species to Discover Among The Country

Starlings Of Vietnam – Sturnidae There are 17 species Starlings of Vietnam, all of which belong to the family Sturnidae. These birds are known for their striking plumage and varied vocalizations. While some species are common and widespread, others are rare and only found in specific regions of Vietnam. Starlings occupy a range of habitats, […]

Tam Dao National Park Silver Waterfall

Enchanting Brown Dipper: 5 Fascinating Facts About Vietnam’s Aquatic Wonder

Dipper Of Vietnam – Cinclidae Brown Dipper is an aquatic bird that can be found in various water bodies in Vietnam, such as streams, rivers, and waterfalls. Here are five fascinating facts about this enchanting bird: Appearance: Small, plump bird that measures around 17-19 cm in length and weighs around 40-50 grams. The bird has […]

Frame phong canh 22 WANEE Go-WILD

Majestic Spotted Elachura: The Rare Beauty of Vietnam’s Forests

Elachura Of Vietnam – Elachuridae The Spotted Elachura is a small passerine bird species that belongs to the family of “Old World” babblers, endemic to East and Southeast Asia, including Vietnam. These birds are mostly found in dense understories of broadleaf and coniferous forests at elevations ranging from 600 to 2200 meters. Spotted Elachuras are […]

Cat Ba National Park

The Wonders of Hume’s Treecreeper in Vietnam: Exploring the Diversity and Ecology of These Masterful Climbers

Hume’s Treecreeper Of Vietnam – Certhiidae Hume’s Treecreeper (Certhia manipurensis humii) is a small songbird species found in the mountainous regions of Vietnam, as well as other parts of Southeast Asia. These masterful climbers are part of the treecreeper family, and are known for their unique and intricate foraging behavior. In appearance, Hume’s Treecreepers have […]

Ba Be National Park

The Elusive Wallcreeper: A Stunning Alpine Bird with Spectacular Cliffside Acrobatics

Wallcreeper Of Vietnam – Tichodromidae The Wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria) is a remarkable bird with a distinctive appearance and acrobatic behavior. These alpine species are found in mountainous regions of Eurasia, including in Vietnam. The Wallcreeper’s striking plumage features a beautiful combination of blue, gray, and orange, and its wings are marked with bold white stripes. […]

Frame chim 13 WANEE Go-WILD

Charming Black-Throated Tit: A Jewel of Vietnam’s Avifauna

Black-throated Tit Of Vietnam – Aegithalidae The Black-Throated Tit (Aegithalos concinnus) is a small, charming bird that is one of the jewels of Vietnam’s avifauna. This adorable bird is easily recognizable by its black throat and nape, white cheeks, and rusty-brown cap. It has a relatively short tail and a small, sharp beak that it […]

14 Enchanting Bush Warblers of Vietnam's Avian Diversity: Harmonious Melodies

14 Enchanting Bush Warblers of Vietnam’s Avian Diversity: Harmonious Melodies

Bush Warblers of Vietnam – Jacanidae Bush Warblers are a diverse family of small, insectivorous birds known for their cryptic plumage and elusive behavior. Bush Warblers of Vietnam are found in various habitats, including forests, scrublands, and grasslands, across Asia. Bush warblers are known for their distinctive songs, which can be complex and melodic. Due […]

21 Stunning Bulbuls in Vietnam's A Melodious Symphony

21 Stunning Bulbuls in Vietnam’s A Melodious Symphony

Bulbuls In Vietnam – Pycnonotidae Bulbuls are a diverse family of small to medium-sized songbirds found throughout Vietnam. The Pycnonotidae family has 21 species of Bulbuls in Vietnam, ranging from the tiny Mountain Bulbul to the larger and more colorful Red-whiskered Bulbul. They can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, gardens, and […]

Mesmerizing Flight: 12 Graceful Swallows and Martins of Vietnam's Hirundinidae Family

Mesmerizing Flight: 12 Graceful Swallows and Martins of Vietnam’s Hirundinidae Family

Swallows and Martins Of Vietnam – Hirundinidae Vietnam’s diverse habitats make it a perfect home for many bird species. There are 12 species of swallows and martins of Vietnam. These birds are known for their stunning aerial acrobatics and have a unique flying style that captures the imagination of anyone who watches them in action. […]

Hoang Lien National Park

Enchanting Cupwings: 2 Sub-Endemic Species in Vietnam’s Biodiverse Landscape

Cupwings Of Vietnam – Pnoepygidae Vietnam’s rich biodiversity is home to a variety of bird species, including the enchanting Cupwings family. Among these species are the Scaly-breasted Cupwing and Pygmy Cupwing, two endemic species found only in Vietnam. These small, brightly colored birds are known for their distinctive cup-shaped nests and unique vocalizations. The Scaly-breasted […]