Spotting the Orange-breasted Laughingthrush in Vietnam: Top 2 Locations

Identification of Orange-breasted Laughingthrush

The Orange-breasted Laughingthrush is a dull-brown bird distinguished by its dark throat, speckled orange breast, and a thin ochre-orange line that elegantly curves over the eye. It has a heavy, somewhat corvid-like dark bill, giving it a unique appearance.

Orange-breasted Laughingthrush
Orange-breasted Laughingthrush

Distinctive Features:
The Orange-breasted Laughingthrush is unlikely to be confused with any other species due to its specific and distinctive appearance. The combination of its dark throat, speckled orange breast, and prominent eye stripe makes it easily identifiable, even in dense vegetation.

This species stands out in its habitat, especially when compared to other laughingthrushes. Unlike species that may forage higher up in trees, the Orange-breasted Laughingthrush is a ground-dweller, often moving low in dense vegetation or on the ground, making it challenging to spot when in motion.

More detail on this avibase.

Habitat and how to look for that

Behavioral Traits:

This species is known for its furtive behavior, often seen scratching about in dense undergrowth, making it a challenge to observe. It is most often seen in pairs, which can help in identifying them when moving through their habitat. The Orange-breasted Laughingthrush also has a musical song that is quite beautiful, incorporating some mimicry, which can be a useful cue for locating them.

Habitat Preferences:

The Orange-breasted Laughingthrush is primarily found in the Langbian Plateau in southern Vietnam, where it inhabits foothill and submontane forests, forest edges, and scrubby areas with dense ground cover. Interestingly, it can also survive in degraded habitats, such as secondary forests and cultivated lands close to forested areas. To spot this bird, look for it foraging low in dense vegetation or scratching about furtively on the ground, usually in pairs or flocks.

Orange-breasted Laughingthrush
Orange-breasted Laughingthrush with a pair

Best Seasons to Spot:

The Orange-breasted Laughingthrush can be seen year-round, but its preference for dense ground cover means that patience and keen observation are key when trying to spot this elusive species.

Sound Track

Note: Due to the decline of this species in Vietnam, largely caused by hunting with the use of recorded sounds, we are unable to share its call in this post. Unfortunately, the Orange-breasted Laughingthrush is becoming increasingly rare in Vietnam, and we must take precautions to protect it.

Top 2 Locations to Spot the Orange-breasted Laughingthrush

Dalat City (Bidoup Mountain)

Specific Areas/Trails:
In Dalat City, the best location to find the Orange-breasted Laughingthrush is around Bidoup Mountain. As there are no bird hides available due to the species’ declining numbers, the recommended method is to explore the suitable habitat, listening carefully for their calls. It’s important to start very early in the morning and be prepared to stay long in the jungle.

Bird Hides:
There are no bird hides in this area due to the species’ declining population.

The Orange-breasted Laughingthrush inhabits evergreen or secondary forests, avoiding the pine forests common in the region. Focus on lower levels, such as bushes or low broadleaf trees, as these are their preferred spots.

Best Time to Visit:
The best time to visit is during the dry season, but it’s advisable to avoid the period from late April to early May, as the birds tend to be quieter during this time.

Spotting this species can be difficult due to the challenging terrain, poor lighting conditions, and their ability to blend in with the ground color.

Di Linh – Gung Re (San Pass)

Specific Areas/Trails:
In Di Linh – Gung Re, San Pass offers a chance to see the Orange-breasted Laughingthrush within its evergreen forests. However, it’s important to note that nobody has reported seeing this species here in the past two years, making it a particularly challenging location.

Bird Hides:
Like in Bidoup Mountain, no bird hides are available in this area.

Focus on the evergreen forests around San Pass, scanning low-level areas where the species might be foraging.

Best Time to Visit:
The same seasonal advice applies as in Bidoup Mountain: visit during the dry season for the best chances.

The primary challenge is the difficulty in spotting this species, as they have been particularly elusive in this location for the past couple of years. The terrain and lighting conditions further add to the difficulty.

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