Category Archives: NEWs

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Black-and-Red Broadbill

Overview and Distribution of Black-and-Red Broadbill The Black-and-Red Broadbill (Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos) is a species of bird in the typical broadbill family, Eurylaimidae. It is the only species in the genus Cymbirhynchus. A large, distinctive bird, it has maroon underparts, black upperparts, a maroon neck-band, and white bars on the wings. It also has a large, two-colored, blue-and-yellow bill. The species shows […]

javan rhino vietnam WANEE Go-WILD

11 years after the last rhino of Vietnam died at Cát Tiên National Park

 The last native rhino of Vietnam dead at Cát Tiên National Park in 2010 has pushed the subspecies of the Rhinoceros sondaicus one step further to the brink of extinction. On March 21, 2019, a male Javan rhino of the species died in Indonesia’s Ujung Kulon National Park, reducing the total number of this subspecies […]

Tower hides for birdwatching in Vietnam

Tower hides for birdwatching in Vietnam

This is just announced about tower hides for birdwatching project in Vietnam led by WANEE.VN [update Otc-2022 from official “WANEE VIETNAM”] FIRST What’s BirdWatching? What is bird watching exactly? It is basically an activity wherein birds are observed for the purpose of recreation or citizen science. This is the most basic bird-watching definition, but aside […]

Endemic Reptile Of Vietnam

Endemic Reptile Of Vietnam

This list of Endemic reptile species found exclusively in Vietnam is based on the taxonomy used in Uetz, Freed & Hošek as of 14 November 2018. For further details on possible inaccuracies in the list see Sources & Caveats.Uetz, P. & Jirí Hošek (eds.), The Reptile Database, htUetz, P. & Jirí Hošek (eUetz, P., Freed, P. & Hošek, J. (eds.) […]

5 trends reshaping the future of travel amidst COVID-19

5 trends reshaping the future of travel amidst COVID-19

This post listing out trends reshaping the future of travel amidst covid-19 base on some recent searches. Following VianaHassan 2022 report finds that: The main findings presented in the chapter have shown that COVID-19 had a devastating impact on the global economy, mainly on the tourism and travel sector. However, the future of the tourism […]

What is Sustainable Tourism?

What is Sustainable Tourism?

There are many terms that float around that may sound similar but actually refer to something distinct. Definition of Sustainable Tourism Sustainable Tourism refers to sustainable practices in and by the tourism industry. It is an aspiration to acknowledge all impacts of tourism, both positive and negative. It aims to minimize the negative impacts and […]

Topas Ecolodge Saba Vietnam WANEE Go-WILD


One of the questions we get asked most frequently by our readers involves how to choose a responsible tour operator, eco-hotel, eco lodge, or eco-resort.   Research shows that global interest in ecotourism (which was defined by The International Ecotourism Society as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the welfare of local […]



Much like “eco-friendly” and “sustainable,” responsible travel has become a major buzzword in the tourism industry in recent years. Hotels, tour operators, tourism attractions, and other associated organizations are increasingly climbing over themselves in order to use the trendy phrase in their marketing materials. Some companies earnestly use it as a badge of honor to signify […]