Category Archives: Ultimate Guide

Rare-Bird Sightings: Should Share or Shut Up?

Rare-Bird Sightings: Should Share or Shut Up?

Before you post a photo on Facebook—or even take the shot in the first place—consider the bird’s well-being. Say you’re exploring your local refuge and you spot a rare bird. After observing it for a while, you snap a series of extraordinary photos, and you know others would want the chance to do the same. What […]

groom snowyowl WANEE Go-WILD

When It’s Okay (or Not) to Feed Birds

Providing food—for bird photography or simple birding enjoyment—can be a thorny issue. For guidance, ask yourself these three questions before Feed Birds. Whether we identify as birders or photographers or both, we are always looking for ways to get closer to birds, or to bring them closer to us. Offering food—sating the hunger that is […]

groom snowyowl WANEE Go-WILD

Why Closer Is Not Always Better When Photographing Birds

In this post I will take you through When Photographing Birds, closer Is Not Always Better The impulse to shoot your subject at close range can be powerful, but there are several reasons why that’s not best for the animal—or the image. Photographing Birds I didn’t see my first owl in the wild until I […]


Guide to Ethical Bird Photography and Videography

A guide from for Ethical Bird Photography and Videography The first essential element in bird photography and videography is a sincere respect for the birds and their environment. In any conflict of interest, the well-being of the birds and their habitats must come before the ambitions of the photographer or videographer. Here are some […]

Take Sharp

How to Take Sharp and Vibrant Photographs of Ducks in Flight

Capturing in-flight images of speeding ducks is challenging and rewarding. Follow these tips to land those take sharp photos. My love for photographing ducks in flight can be traced back to my duck-hunting days. Nearly 20 years ago, though, I put down the shotgun and began pursuing ducks with a telephoto lens. Since then I have made […]

Anh thumbnail bai viet 1 1 WANEE Go-WILD

How to Master Migrant Warbler Photography

Warblers aren’t the most cooperative subjects, but they are one of the most beautiful and addictive. Follow this advice to best capture the elusive birds. Photographically, migrant warblers are among the most difficult avian subjects. They are quite small and easily hide among leaves, often in dark shadows. They flit about in the tops of […]

A Guide for Beginners Birdwatching 101

A Guide for Beginners Birdwatching 101

Here, from two longtime pros, is how to get started A Guide for Beginners Birdwatching. Looking for a fun hobby you can do anywhere, anytime, without spending much cash up front? You can’t go wrong with birding, commonly known as birdwatching. “Birding is a totally accessible activity,” says says Rich Merritt, director of operations for Audubon […]