[3 days] Primates photography tour: Black Shanked Douc Langur in Cat Tien Np.


[3 days] Primates photography tour: Black Shanked Douc Langur in Cat Tien Np.

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Total Seats :  0/0
Duration :   3 Days

The Black Shanked Douc Langur, with its vibrant mix of grey, black, and white fur and a striking blue face, is a visual delight for photographers. Native to specific regions of Vietnam and Cambodia, capturing this endangered primate offers a sense of exclusivity and a chance to raise conservation awareness.

Their expressive faces, agile movements, and intricate group interactions provide dynamic scenes, making every shot a storytelling opportunity. Photographing the Douc Langur is not just about aesthetics; it’s about immersing oneself in nature, promoting ethical wildlife tourism, and using imagery to educate and inspire. For photographers, the Black Shanked Douc Langur represents the beauty, fragility, and resilience of the wild, making it a must-capture subject.


The itinerary for 3 days Black Shanked Douc Langur photography tour

Day 1: Arrival & Introduction to the Douc’s Domain
Arrive at Cat Tien National Park and settle into your accommodation.
Post-lunch, embark on your first photography session. Board a jeep that will take you deep into the park, to known hotspots where the Douc Langurs are frequently sighted.
Capture your initial shots of these magnificent primates, observing their behaviors and familiarizing yourself with their habitats.
Return to base in the evening, perhaps sharing and discussing the day’s captures with fellow participants.
Day 2: A Deep Dive into Douc Langur Photography
Early Morning:
Before dawn, set out in a jeep to capitalize on the soft morning light, which is ideal for wildlife photography.
Drive to different parts of the park, leveraging local knowledge to find and photograph the Douc Langurs during their most active hours.
After a brief rest and lunch, head out again in search of the Douc Langurs.
Focus on capturing diverse angles and behaviors. Experiment with compositions, from close-up portraits to wider shots that showcase the langurs in their lush environment.
As the sun sets, return to base, reflecting on a full day of photography.
Day 3: Capturing Final Moments & Farewell
Your last opportunity in the park begins with another early morning jeep ride. Seek out those final, memorable shots of the Douc Langurs, capturing any moments or angles you might have missed previously.
Immerse yourself in the experience, savoring the last moments with these incredible primates.
After a fulfilling lunch, pack up your gear and memories, preparing to depart from Cat Tien National Park.
Begin your journey back to the city, carrying with you a treasure trove of photographs and experiences.
Note to Participants:
The Black Shanked Douc Langur is a rare and endangered species. While we strive to provide the best opportunities for photography, we also emphasize ethical practices that prioritize the well-being and conservation of these primates. Your patience, respect, and understanding during the tour are highly appreciated.


What camera equipment should I bring?

A DSLR or mirrorless camera with a good telephoto lens is recommended. Tripods can be useful for low light conditions.

Is there a specific dress code?

Wear muted colors to blend into the environment and avoid startling the primates. Comfortable hiking shoes are a must.

Can I extend my stay for more photography sessions?

Absolutely! We can help arrange extended stays or additional activities.

What's Included

  • Accommodations
  • Entrance fees
  • Expert guide
  • Jeeps
  • Meals
  • Private car

What's Excluded

  • Other services not mentioned