Category Archives: NEWs



This post will show Vietnam biodiversity conservation 2021 [update 4-11-2022] Vietnam is one of the world’s most biodiverse countries, but decades of illegal logging, wildlife trade, and agricultural conversion have led to staggering losses of natural forest and wildlife, with some species on the edge of extinction. Conservation crimes undermine the rule of law, perpetuate […]

Overview of Vietnam’s law on wildlife conservation and protection

Vietnam law on wildlife conservation and protection

Vietnam is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. However, the increase in human population and illegal wildlife hunting has led to a high risk of biodiversity loss and put many animals on the brink of extinction. Being fully aware of the seriousness of the situation, the Vietnamese Government has focused on improving […]

5 ways nature supports human health

[5 ways nature supports human health Nov 5, 2021 By Kiley Price] at the UN climate summit (COP26), Conservation International launched “Hear me while you can” — a new campaign which invites you to explore the soundscapes of ecosystems around the world, from Africa’s savannas to the Amazon rainforest.  As world leaders step up efforts to conserve critical […]
Chinese Egrets

Migration and wintering of vulnerable adult Chinese Egrets (Egretta eulophotes) revealed by GPS tracking

[Science new: Migration and wintering of vulnerable adult Chinese Egrets (Egretta eulophotes) revealed by GPS tracking public on] Abstract Knowledge of migratory bird requirements is critical to developing conservation plans for vulnerable migratory species. This study aimed to determine the migration routes, wintering areas, habitat uses, and mortalities of adult Chinese Egrets (Egretta eulophotata). […]