Kontum Plateau Endemic and Highlight bird

Kontum Plateau Endemic And Highlight Bird species like Chestnut-eared Laughingthrush and top birding routes while learning about conservation efforts in the region.

Golden-winged Laughingthrush
Golden-winged Laughingthrush with a pair

The Kontum Plateau spans various elevations, ranging from 500 to 2,000 meters above sea level. This variation in altitude provides the foundation for a wide array of habitats, from tropical lowland forests to montane and sub-montane ecosystems. It is this diversity of habitats that makes the Kontum Plateau a hotspot for biodiversity.

The montane and evergreen forests of the plateau support a rich diversity of bird species. The dense canopy, thick undergrowth, and forest floor provide ample feeding and nesting grounds for birds. The area is also home to several restricted-range and endemic species, making it a crucial region for ornithological research and birdwatching tourism. The cooler temperatures at higher altitudes, combined with frequent rainfall, create a microclimate that supports these species, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth.

In addition to its rich birdlife, the Kontum Plateau is home to a variety of mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. Endangered species such as the Grey-shanked Douc Langur and Annamese Langur are just two examples of the plateau’s critically important fauna. The region also supports a wealth of reptile species, including endemic lizards and snakes, further cementing the Kontum Plateau’s status as a biodiversity hotspot.

Section 2: Endemic Bird Species of Kontum Plateau

The Kontum Plateau is home to a range of endemic bird species that are of particular interest to birdwatchers. These species are found exclusively in the highlands of Vietnam and some surrounding areas, making them a major draw for birding enthusiasts.

Endemic Birds of Kontum Plateau:

  1. Annam Prinia (Prinia rocki)
  2. Black-crowned Fulvetta (Schoeniparus klossi)
  3. Vietnamese Cutia (Cutia legalleni)
  4. Collared Laughingthrush (Trochalopteron yersini)
  5. Golden-winged Laughingthrush (Trochalopteron ngoclinhensis)
  6. Gray-crowned Crocias (Laniellus langbianis)
  7. Orange-breasted Laughingthrush (Trochalopteron auriventer)
  8. Vietnamese Greenfinch (Chloris monguilloti)

These birds are often difficult to spot due to their preference for dense, forested habitats and their naturally elusive behavior. However, birdwatchers who visit the plateau can often hear their distinctive calls echoing through the trees, and with the right guidance and patience, these species can be spotted in their natural habitats.

Section 3: Highlight Birds of Kontum Plateau

In addition to the endemic species, the Kontum Plateau is home to several highlight bird species that birdwatchers should target. These birds, while not exclusive to the region, are rare and hold significant importance in birdwatching circles.

Highlight Birds of Kontum Plateau:

  1. Germain’s Peacock-Pheasant (Polyplectron germaini)
  2. Red-vented Barbet (Psilopogon lagrandieri)
  3. Indochinese Fulvetta (Fulvetta danisi)
  4. Black-headed Parrotbill (Psittiparus margaritae)
  5. Grey-faced Tit-Babbler (Macronus kelleyi)
  6. Sooty Babbler (Stachyris herberti)
  7. Short-tailed Scimitar Babbler (Napothera brevicaudata)
  8. Black-crowned Barwing (Actinodura sodangorum)
  9. Black-hooded Laughingthrush (Garrulax milleti)
  10. White-cheeked Laughingthrush (Ianthocincla vassali)
  11. Red Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra)

Birdwatchers exploring the plateau will find these species in various parts of the forest, often alongside the endemic species, adding to the excitement of a birding expedition.

Section 4: Birding Routes and Trails on Kontum Plateau

The Kontum Plateau offers several key birding locations, with each area providing a unique set of species and habitats for birdwatchers to explore.

1. Mang Den

Mang Den is one of the most popular birdwatching destinations on the Kontum Plateau. It is known for its rich pine forests and cooler climate, providing a perfect habitat for many of the plateau’s endemic and highlight birds. The area is accessible by road, and birdwatchers can expect to encounter species such as the Chestnut-eared Laughingthrush, Vietnamese Greenfinch, and Golden-winged Laughingthrush. The pine forests also provide excellent habitats for mammals and reptiles, making Mang Den a great spot for those interested in both birding and herping.

Chestnut-eared Laughingthrush In Mang Canh
Kontum Plateau Endemic and Highlight bird 12

2. Ngoc Linh Nature Reserve

Ngoc Linh Nature Reserve is the heart of birdwatching on the Kontum Plateau. This protected area is one of the last strongholds for the Golden-winged Laughingthrush and Red-tailed Laughingthrush, both of which are incredibly rare and endemic to this region. The dense montane forests of Ngoc Linh are home to over 80% of the herpetofauna species endemic to Central and South Vietnam, making it a dual paradise for birdwatchers and herpetologists. Although the terrain is steep and challenging, the rewards are well worth the effort.

Kontum Plateau Endemic and Highlight bird
Kontum Plateau Endemic and Highlight bird 13

3. Kon Ka Kinh National Park

Kon Ka Kinh National Park is another excellent location for birdwatching on the Kontum Plateau. Its montane forests and varied habitats support species such as the Black-crowned Barwing, Chestnut-eared Laughingthrush, and the Golden-winged Laughingthrush. The park’s well-maintained birding trails make it easier for visitors to explore the region, while its high elevations provide opportunities to spot species that thrive in cooler, montane climates.

Frame post bai 3 WANEE Go-WILD
Kontum Plateau Endemic and Highlight bird 14

4. Dak To District

This district offers more remote birdwatching opportunities, with fewer tourists and more pristine forest environments. The birding trails here are less traveled but offer sightings of species such as the Vietnamese Cutia, Black-crowned Fulvetta, and Indochinese Wren-babbler. The rugged terrain and challenging hikes make this a destination for more experienced birdwatchers.

Section 5: Birdwatching Checklist for Kontum Plateau

For birdwatchers visiting the Kontum Plateau, keeping a checklist is an essential part of the experience. With such a rich variety of species, both endemic and near-endemic, a checklist allows birdwatchers to document their sightings and track the species they’ve encountered. Below is a sample birdwatching checklist for the Kontum Plateau:

Lesser Whistling-DuckDendrocygna javanica
Ruddy ShelduckTadorna ferruginea
Cotton Pygmy-GooseNettapus coromandelianus
GarganeySpatula querquedula
Northern ShovelerSpatula clypeata
Indian Spot-billed DuckAnas poecilorhyncha
Northern PintailAnas acuta
Green-winged TealAnas crecca
White-winged DuckAsarcornis scutulataEndangered
GALLIFORMES: Phasianidae
Rufous-throated PartridgeArborophila rufogularis
Bar-backed PartridgeArborophila brunneopectus
Silver PheasantLophura nycthemera
Siamese FirebackLophura diardi
Vietnamese Crested ArgusRheinardia ocellataEndemic (country/region) Critically endangered
Green PeafowlPavo muticusEndangered
Scaly-breasted PartridgeTropicoperdix chloropus
Gray Peacock-PheasantPolyplectron bicalcaratum
Mountain Bamboo-PartridgeBambusicola fytchii
Red JunglefowlGallus gallus
Chinese FrancolinFrancolinus pintadeanus
Blue-breasted QuailSynoicus chinensis
Little GrebeTachybaptus ruficollis
Rock PigeonColumba liviaIntroduced species
Ashy Wood-PigeonColumba pulchricollisRare/Accidental
Pale-capped PigeonColumba puniceaVulnerable
Oriental Turtle-DoveStreptopelia orientalis
Red Collared-DoveStreptopelia tranquebarica
Spotted DoveSpilopelia chinensis
Barred Cuckoo-DoveMacropygia unchall
Asian Emerald DoveChalcophaps indica
Zebra DoveGeopelia striataIntroduced species
Orange-breasted Green-PigeonTreron bicinctus
Ashy-headed Green-PigeonTreron phayreiNear-threatened
Thick-billed Green-PigeonTreron curvirostra
Yellow-footed Green-PigeonTreron phoenicopterus
Yellow-vented Green-PigeonTreron seimundi
Pin-tailed Green-PigeonTreron apicauda
Wedge-tailed Green-PigeonTreron sphenurus
White-bellied Green-PigeonTreron sieboldii
Green Imperial-PigeonDucula aeneaNear-threatened
Mountain Imperial-PigeonDucula badia
Coral-billed Ground-CuckooCarpococcyx renauldiVulnerable
Greater CoucalCentropus sinensis
Lesser CoucalCentropus bengalensis
Green-billed MalkohaPhaenicophaeus tristis
Chestnut-winged CuckooClamator coromandus
Asian KoelEudynamys scolopaceus
Asian Emerald CuckooChrysococcyx maculatus
Violet CuckooChrysococcyx xanthorhynchus
Banded Bay CuckooCacomantis sonneratii
Plaintive CuckooCacomantis merulinus
Square-tailed Drongo-CuckooSurniculus lugubris
Large Hawk-CuckooHierococcyx sparverioides
Hodgson’s Hawk-CuckooHierococcyx nisicolor
Indian CuckooCuculus micropterus
Common CuckooCuculus canorus
Hodgson’s FrogmouthBatrachostomus hodgsoni
Blyth’s FrogmouthBatrachostomus affinis
Great Eared-NightjarLyncornis macrotis
Gray NightjarCaprimulgus jotaka
Large-tailed NightjarCaprimulgus macrurus
Savanna NightjarCaprimulgus affinis
White-throated NeedletailHirundapus caudacutus
Silver-backed NeedletailHirundapus cochinchinensis
Brown-backed NeedletailHirundapus giganteus
Himalayan SwiftletAerodramus brevirostris
White-nest SwiftletAerodramus fuciphagus
Germain’s SwiftletAerodramus germani
Pacific SwiftApus pacificus
Cook’s SwiftApus cooki
House SwiftApus nipalensis
Asian Palm SwiftCypsiurus balasiensis
Crested TreeswiftHemiprocne coronata
Slaty-breasted RailLewinia striata
Eurasian MoorhenGallinula chloropus
Eurasian CootFulica atra
Gray-headed SwamphenPorphyrio poliocephalus
WatercockGallicrex cinerea
White-breasted WaterhenAmaurornis phoenicurus
Slaty-legged CrakeRallina eurizonoides
Ruddy-breasted CrakeZapornia fusca
Baillon’s CrakeZapornia pusilla
GRUIFORMES: Heliornithidae
Masked FinfootHeliopais personatusCritically endangered
Great Thick-kneeEsacus recurvirostrisNear-threatened
Indian Thick-kneeBurhinus indicus
CHARADRIIFORMES: Recurvirostridae
Black-winged StiltHimantopus himantopus
Black-bellied PloverPluvialis squatarola
Pacific Golden-PloverPluvialis fulva
Little Ringed PloverCharadrius dubius
Long-billed PloverCharadrius placidus
Gray-headed LapwingVanellus cinereus
Red-wattled LapwingVanellus indicus
Siberian Sand-PloverAnarhynchus mongolusEndangered
Greater Sand-PloverAnarhynchus leschenaultii
Kentish PloverAnarhynchus alexandrinus
White-faced PloverAnarhynchus dealbatus
Greater Painted-SnipeRostratula benghalensis
Pheasant-tailed JacanaHydrophasianus chirurgus
Bronze-winged JacanaMetopidius indicus
WhimbrelNumenius phaeopus
Eurasian CurlewNumenius arquataNear-threatened
Bar-tailed GodwitLimosa lapponicaNear-threatened
Eurasian WoodcockScolopax rusticola
Pin-tailed SnipeGallinago stenura
Common SnipeGallinago gallinago
Common SandpiperActitis hypoleucos
Green SandpiperTringa ochropus
Wood SandpiperTringa glareola
Common RedshankTringa totanus
Spotted RedshankTringa erythropus
Common GreenshankTringa nebularia
Ruddy TurnstoneArenaria interpres
Curlew SandpiperCalidris ferrugineaNear-threatened
Temminck’s StintCalidris temminckii
Long-toed StintCalidris subminuta
Red-necked StintCalidris ruficollisNear-threatened
Spoon-billed SandpiperCalidris pygmaeaIntroduced species Critically endangered
Yellow-legged ButtonquailTurnix tanki
Barred ButtonquailTurnix suscitator
Small ButtonquailTurnix sylvaticus
Oriental PratincoleGlareola maldivarum
Black-headed GullChroicocephalus ridibundus
Brown-headed GullChroicocephalus brunnicephalus
Whiskered TernChlidonias hybrida
White-winged TernChlidonias leucopterus
River TernSterna aurantiaVulnerable
Black-bellied TernSterna acuticaudaRare/Accidental Endangered
Great Crested TernThalasseus bergii
Asian OpenbillAnastomus oscitans
Asian Woolly-necked StorkCiconia episcopusNear-threatened
Black-necked StorkEphippiorhynchus asiaticusRare/Accidental Near-threatened
Lesser AdjutantLeptoptilos javanicusNear-threatened
Painted StorkMycteria leucocephala
SULIFORMES: Anhingidae
Oriental DarterAnhinga melanogasterNear-threatened
SULIFORMES: Phalacrocoracidae
Little CormorantMicrocarbo niger
Great CormorantPhalacrocorax carbo
Indian CormorantPhalacrocorax fuscicollis
Black BitternIxobrychus flavicollis
Cinnamon BitternIxobrychus cinnamomeus
Schrenck’s BitternIxobrychus eurhythmus
Yellow BitternIxobrychus sinensis
Black-crowned Night HeronNycticorax nycticorax
Malayan Night HeronGorsachius melanolophus
Little EgretEgretta garzetta
Striated HeronButorides striata
Chinese Pond-HeronArdeola bacchus
Eastern Cattle EgretBubulcus coromandus
Great EgretArdea alba
Medium EgretArdea intermedia
Gray HeronArdea cinerea
Purple HeronArdea purpurea
OspreyPandion haliaetus
Black-winged KiteElanus caeruleus
Oriental Honey-buzzardPernis ptilorhynchus
Jerdon’s BazaAviceda jerdoni
Black BazaAviceda leuphotes
Red-headed VultureSarcogyps calvusRare/Accidental Critically endangered
White-rumped VultureGyps bengalensisRare/Accidental Critically endangered
Crested Serpent-EagleSpilornis cheela
Mountain Hawk-EagleNisaetus nipalensis
Changeable Hawk-EagleNisaetus cirrhatus
Rufous-bellied EagleLophotriorchis kieneriiNear-threatened
Black EagleIctinaetus malaiensis
Greater Spotted EagleClanga clangaVulnerable
Rufous-winged BuzzardButastur liventer
Gray-faced BuzzardButastur indicus
Eastern Marsh HarrierCircus spilonotus
Pied HarrierCircus melanoleucos
Crested GoshawkAccipiter trivirgatus
ShikraAccipiter badius
Chinese SparrowhawkAccipiter soloensis
Japanese SparrowhawkAccipiter gularis
BesraAccipiter virgatus
Eurasian SparrowhawkAccipiter nisus
Black KiteMilvus migrans
Brahminy KiteHaliastur indus
White-bellied Sea-EagleIcthyophaga leucogaster
Lesser Fish-EagleIcthyophaga humilisNear-threatened
Gray-headed Fish-EagleIcthyophaga ichthyaetusNear-threatened
Common BuzzardButeo buteo
Himalayan BuzzardButeo refectusRare/Accidental
Eastern BuzzardButeo japonicus
Australasian Grass-OwlTyto longimembris
Barn OwlTyto alba
Oriental Bay-OwlPhodilus badius
Mountain Scops-OwlOtus spilocephalus
Collared Scops-OwlOtus lettia
Oriental Scops-OwlOtus sunia
Buffy Fish-OwlKetupa ketupu
Brown Fish-OwlKetupa zeylonensis
Tawny Fish-OwlKetupa flavipes
Spot-bellied Eagle-OwlKetupa nipalensis
Asian Barred OwletGlaucidium cuculoides
Collared OwletTaenioptynx brodiei
Spotted OwletAthene brama
Brown Wood-OwlStrix leptogrammica
Brown BoobookNinox scutulata
Orange-breasted TrogonHarpactes oreskios
Red-headed TrogonHarpactes erythrocephalus
Eurasian HoopoeUpupa epops
Great HornbillBuceros bicornisVulnerable
Brown HornbillAnorrhinus austeniNear-threatened
Oriental Pied-HornbillAnthracoceros albirostris
Wreathed HornbillRhyticeros undulatusVulnerable
Blyth’s KingfisherAlcedo herculesNear-threatened
Common KingfisherAlcedo atthis
Blue-eared KingfisherAlcedo meninting
Black-backed Dwarf-KingfisherCeyx erithacaNear-threatened
Banded KingfisherLacedo pulchella
Stork-billed KingfisherPelargopsis capensis
Ruddy KingfisherHalcyon coromanda
White-throated KingfisherHalcyon smyrnensis
Black-capped KingfisherHalcyon pileataVulnerable
Collared KingfisherTodiramphus chloris
Crested KingfisherMegaceryle lugubris
Pied KingfisherCeryle rudis
Blue-bearded Bee-eaterNyctyornis athertoni
Asian Green Bee-eaterMerops orientalis
Blue-throated Bee-eaterMerops viridis
Blue-tailed Bee-eaterMerops philippinus
Chestnut-headed Bee-eaterMerops leschenaulti
Indochinese RollerCoracias affinis
DollarbirdEurystomus orientalis
PICIFORMES: Megalaimidae
Coppersmith BarbetPsilopogon haemacephalus
Blue-eared BarbetPsilopogon cyanotis
Red-vented BarbetPsilopogon lagrandieri
Green-eared BarbetPsilopogon faiostrictus
Lineated BarbetPsilopogon lineatus
Golden-throated BarbetPsilopogon franklinii
Necklaced BarbetPsilopogon auricularis
Moustached BarbetPsilopogon incognitus
Indochinese BarbetPsilopogon annamensis
Eurasian WryneckJynx torquilla
Speckled PiculetPicumnus innominatus
White-browed PiculetSasia ochracea
Heart-spotted WoodpeckerHemicircus canente
Gray-capped Pygmy WoodpeckerYungipicus canicapillus
Rufous-bellied WoodpeckerDendrocopos hyperythrus
Freckle-breasted WoodpeckerDendrocopos analis
Stripe-breasted WoodpeckerDendrocopos atratus
Bay WoodpeckerBlythipicus pyrrhotis
Greater FlamebackChrysocolaptes guttacristatus
Rufous WoodpeckerMicropternus brachyurus
Black-and-buff WoodpeckerMeiglyptes jugularis
Pale-headed WoodpeckerGecinulus grantia
Common FlamebackDinopium javanense
Lesser YellownapePicus chlorolophus
Streak-throated WoodpeckerPicus xanthopygaeus
Red-collared WoodpeckerPicus rabieriNear-threatened
Laced WoodpeckerPicus vittatus
Gray-headed WoodpeckerPicus canus
Greater YellownapeChrysophlegma flavinucha
Great Slaty WoodpeckerMulleripicus pulverulentusVulnerable
White-bellied WoodpeckerDryocopus javensis
Pied FalconetMicrohierax melanoleucos
Collared FalconetMicrohierax caerulescens
Eurasian KestrelFalco tinnunculus
Oriental HobbyFalco severus
Peregrine FalconFalco peregrinus
Alexandrine ParakeetPsittacula eupatriaNear-threatened
Gray-headed ParakeetPsittacula finschiiNear-threatened
Blossom-headed ParakeetPsittacula roseataNear-threatened
Red-breasted ParakeetPsittacula alexandriNear-threatened
Vernal Hanging-ParrotLoriculus vernalis
Long-tailed BroadbillPsarisomus dalhousiae
Dusky BroadbillCorydon sumatranus
Silver-breasted BroadbillSerilophus lunatus
Black-and-red BroadbillCymbirhynchus macrorhynchos
Banded BroadbillEurylaimus javanicus
Eared PittaHydrornis phayrei
Rusty-naped PittaHydrornis oatesi
Blue-rumped PittaHydrornis soror
Blue PittaHydrornis cyaneus
Bar-bellied PittaHydrornis elliotii
Blue-winged PittaPitta moluccensis
PASSERIFORMES: Campephagidae
Small MinivetPericrocotus cinnamomeus
Gray-chinned MinivetPericrocotus solaris
Short-billed MinivetPericrocotus brevirostris
Long-tailed MinivetPericrocotus ethologus
Scarlet MinivetPericrocotus speciosus
Ashy MinivetPericrocotus divaricatus
Brown-rumped MinivetPericrocotus cantonensis
Rosy MinivetPericrocotus roseus
Large CuckooshrikeCoracina macei
Black-winged CuckooshrikeLalage melaschistos
Indochinese CuckooshrikeLalage polioptera
White-browed Shrike-BabblerPteruthius aeralatus
Green Shrike-BabblerPteruthius xanthochlorusRare/Accidental
Black-eared Shrike-BabblerPteruthius melanotis
Clicking Shrike-BabblerPteruthius intermedius
White-bellied ErpornisErpornis zantholeuca
Black-naped OrioleOriolus chinensis
Slender-billed OrioleOriolus tenuirostris
Black-hooded OrioleOriolus xanthornus
Maroon OrioleOriolus traillii
Ashy WoodswallowArtamus fuscus
Large WoodshrikeTephrodornis virgatus
Common WoodshrikeTephrodornis pondicerianus
Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrikeHemipus picatus
Common IoraAegithina tiphia
Great IoraAegithina lafresnayei
White-throated FantailRhipidura albicollis
White-browed FantailRhipidura aureola
Black DrongoDicrurus macrocercus
Ashy DrongoDicrurus leucophaeus
Crow-billed DrongoDicrurus annectens
Bronzed DrongoDicrurus aeneus
Lesser Racket-tailed DrongoDicrurus remifer
Hair-crested DrongoDicrurus hottentottus
Short-tailed DrongoDicrurus striatus
Greater Racket-tailed DrongoDicrurus paradiseus
Black-naped MonarchHypothymis azurea
Amur Paradise-FlycatcherTerpsiphone incei
Blyth’s Paradise-FlycatcherTerpsiphone affinis
Brown ShrikeLanius cristatus
Burmese ShrikeLanius collurioides
Long-tailed ShrikeLanius schach
Gray-backed ShrikeLanius tephronotus
Eurasian JayGarrulus glandarius
Red-billed Blue-MagpieUrocissa erythroryncha
White-winged MagpieUrocissa whiteheadi
Common Green-MagpieCissa chinensis
Indochinese Green-MagpieCissa hypoleuca
Rufous TreepieDendrocitta vagabunda
Racket-tailed TreepieCrypsirina temia
Ratchet-tailed TreepieTemnurus temnurus
Large-billed CrowCorvus macrorhynchos
PASSERIFORMES: Stenostiridae
Gray-headed Canary-FlycatcherCulicicapa ceylonensis
Yellow-browed TitSylviparus modestus
Sultan TitMelanochlora sultanea
Green-backed TitParus monticolus
Cinereous TitParus cinereus
Japanese TitParus minor
Yellow-cheeked TitMachlolophus spilonotus
Singing BushlarkMirafra javanica
Indochinese BushlarkMirafra erythrocephala
Oriental SkylarkAlauda gulgula
Common TailorbirdOrthotomus sutorius
Dark-necked TailorbirdOrthotomus atrogularis
Annam PriniaPrinia rocki
Hill PriniaPrinia superciliaris
Rufescent PriniaPrinia rufescens
Gray-breasted PriniaPrinia hodgsonii
Yellow-bellied PriniaPrinia flaviventris
Plain PriniaPrinia inornata
Zitting CisticolaCisticola juncidis
PASSERIFORMES: Acrocephalidae
Thick-billed WarblerArundinax aedon
Black-browed Reed WarblerAcrocephalus bistrigiceps
Oriental Reed WarblerAcrocephalus orientalis
PASSERIFORMES: Locustellidae
Pallas’s Grasshopper WarblerHelopsaltes certhiola
Lanceolated WarblerLocustella lanceolata
Chinese Bush WarblerLocustella tacsanowskia
Dalat Bush WarblerLocustella idonea
Pygmy CupwingPnoepyga pusilla
Barn SwallowHirundo rustica
Wire-tailed SwallowHirundo smithii
Siberian House-MartinDelichon lagopodum
Asian House-MartinDelichon dasypus
Red-rumped SwallowCecropis daurica
Striated SwallowCecropis striolata
Rufous-bellied SwallowCecropis badia
Puff-throated BulbulAlophoixus pallidus
Gray-eyed BulbulIole propinqua
Ashy BulbulHemixos flavala
Mountain BulbulIxos mcclellandii
Black BulbulHypsipetes leucocephalus
Black-headed BulbulMicrotarsus melanocephalos
Black-crested BulbulRubigula flaviventris
Streak-eared BulbulPycnonotus conradi
Stripe-throated BulbulPycnonotus finlaysoni
Flavescent BulbulPycnonotus flavescens
Light-vented BulbulPycnonotus sinensis
Red-whiskered BulbulPycnonotus jocosus
Yellow-vented BulbulPycnonotus goiavier
Sooty-headed BulbulPycnonotus aurigaster
PASSERIFORMES: Phylloscopidae
Ashy-throated WarblerPhylloscopus maculipennis
Buff-barred WarblerPhylloscopus pulcher
Yellow-browed WarblerPhylloscopus inornatus
Hume’s WarblerPhylloscopus humei
Pallas’s Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus proregulus
Radde’s WarblerPhylloscopus schwarzi
Dusky WarblerPhylloscopus fuscatus
Eastern Crowned WarblerPhylloscopus coronatus
White-spectacled WarblerPhylloscopus intermedius
Gray-cheeked WarblerPhylloscopus poliogenys
Gray-crowned WarblerPhylloscopus tephrocephalus
Bianchi’s WarblerPhylloscopus valentini
Alström’s WarblerPhylloscopus soror
Greenish WarblerPhylloscopus trochiloides
Two-barred WarblerPhylloscopus plumbeitarsus
Pale-legged Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus tenellipes
Arctic WarblerPhylloscopus borealis
Chestnut-crowned WarblerPhylloscopus castaniceps
Sulphur-breasted WarblerPhylloscopus ricketti
Blyth’s Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus reguloides
Claudia’s Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus claudiae
Davison’s Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus intensior
Kloss’s Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus ogilviegranti
PASSERIFORMES: Scotocercidae
Asian StubtailUrosphena squameiceps
Gray-bellied TesiaTesia cyaniventer
Slaty-bellied TesiaTesia olivea
Yellow-bellied WarblerAbroscopus superciliaris
Rufous-faced WarblerAbroscopus albogularis
Black-faced WarblerAbroscopus schisticeps
Mountain TailorbirdPhyllergates cucullatus
Manchurian Bush WarblerHorornis canturians
Black-throated TitAegithalos concinnus
PASSERIFORMES: Paradoxornithidae
Golden-breasted FulvettaLioparus chrysotis
Yellow-eyed BabblerChrysomma sinense
Indochinese FulvettaFulvetta danisi
Gray-headed ParrotbillPsittiparus gularis
Black-headed ParrotbillPsittiparus margaritaeEndemic (country/region) Vulnerable
Black-throated ParrotbillSuthora nipalensis
Indochinese YuhinaStaphida torqueola
Black-chinned YuhinaYuhina nigrimenta
Stripe-throated YuhinaYuhina gularis
Chestnut-flanked White-eyeZosterops erythropleurus
Swinhoe’s White-eyeZosterops simplex
Indian White-eyeZosterops palpebrosus
Chestnut-capped BabblerTimalia pileata
Gray-faced Tit-BabblerMixornis kelleyi
Pin-striped Tit-BabblerMixornis gularis
Golden BabblerCyanoderma chrysaeum
Rufous-capped BabblerCyanoderma ruficeps
Buff-chested BabblerCyanoderma ambiguum
Brown-crowned Scimitar-BabblerPomatorhinus phayrei
Red-billed Scimitar-BabblerPomatorhinus ochraceiceps
Streak-breasted Scimitar-BabblerPomatorhinus ruficollis
White-browed Scimitar-BabblerPomatorhinus schisticeps
Large Scimitar-BabblerErythrogenys hypoleucos
Gray-throated BabblerStachyris nigriceps
Spot-necked BabblerStachyris strialata
Scaly-crowned BabblerMalacopteron cinereum
Collared BabblerGampsorhynchus torquatus
Rufous-winged FulvettaSchoeniparus castaneceps
Black-crowned FulvettaSchoeniparus klossiEndemic (country/region)
Rufous-throated FulvettaSchoeniparus rufogularis
Rusty-capped FulvettaSchoeniparus dubius
Puff-throated BabblerPellorneum ruficeps
Spot-throated BabblerPellorneum albiventre
Buff-breasted BabblerPellorneum tickelli
Abbott’s BabblerMalacocincla abbotti
Streaked Wren-BabblerGypsophila brevicaudata
Eyebrowed Wren-BabblerNapothera epilepidota
Short-tailed Scimitar-BabblerNapothera danjouiNear-threatened
PASSERIFORMES: Leiothrichidae
Brown-cheeked FulvettaAlcippe poioicephala
Black-browed FulvettaAlcippe grotei
Yunnan FulvettaAlcippe fratercula
Mountain FulvettaAlcippe peracensis
Himalayan CutiaCutia nipalensis
Vietnamese CutiaCutia legalleniEndemic (country/region) Near-threatened
Gray-crowned CrociasLaniellus langbianisEndemic (country/region) Endangered
Red-tailed LaughingthrushTrochalopteron milnei
Golden-winged LaughingthrushTrochalopteron ngoclinhenseEndemic (country/region) Endangered
Long-tailed SibiaHeterophasia picaoides
Black-headed SibiaHeterophasia desgodinsi
Blue-winged MinlaActinodura cyanouroptera
Black-crowned BarwingActinodura sodangorumEndemic (country/region) Near-threatened
Silver-eared MesiaLeiothrix argentauris
Red-tailed MinlaMinla ignotincta
Rufous-backed SibiaLeioptila annectens
Lesser Necklaced LaughingthrushGarrulax monileger
White-crested LaughingthrushGarrulax leucolophus
Black-hooded LaughingthrushGarrulax milletiEndemic (country/region)
Gray LaughingthrushGarrulax maesi
Rufous-cheeked LaughingthrushGarrulax castanotis
Chestnut-eared LaughingthrushIanthocincla konkakinhensisEndemic (country/region) Vulnerable
White-cheeked LaughingthrushPterorhinus vassali
Black-throated LaughingthrushPterorhinus chinensis
Masked LaughingthrushPterorhinus perspicillatus
Velvet-fronted NuthatchSitta frontalis
Yellow-billed NuthatchSitta solangiaeNear-threatened
Burmese NuthatchSitta neglecta
Chestnut-vented NuthatchSitta nagaensis
Hume’s TreecreeperCerthia manipurensis
Golden-crested MynaAmpeliceps coronatus
Common Hill MynaGracula religiosa
Daurian StarlingAgropsar sturninus
Black-collared StarlingGracupica nigricollis
White-shouldered StarlingSturnia sinensis
Chestnut-tailed StarlingSturnia malabarica
Common MynaAcridotheres tristis
Vinous-breasted MynaAcridotheres leucocephalus
Great MynaAcridotheres grandis
Crested MynaAcridotheres cristatellus
Dark-sided ThrushZoothera marginata
Long-billed ThrushZoothera monticola
White’s ThrushZoothera aurea
Scaly ThrushZoothera dauma
Purple CochoaCochoa purpurea
Green CochoaCochoa viridis
Siberian ThrushGeokichla sibirica
Orange-headed ThrushGeokichla citrina
Chinese BlackbirdTurdus mandarinus
Japanese ThrushTurdus cardis
Eyebrowed ThrushTurdus obscurus
Gray-streaked FlycatcherMuscicapa griseisticta
Dark-sided FlycatcherMuscicapa sibirica
Ferruginous FlycatcherMuscicapa ferruginea
Asian Brown FlycatcherMuscicapa dauurica
Brown-breasted FlycatcherMuscicapa muttui
Oriental Magpie-RobinCopsychus saularis
White-rumped ShamaCopsychus malabaricus
White-tailed FlycatcherLeucoptilon concretum
Large NiltavaNiltava grandis
Small NiltavaNiltava macgrigoriae
Fujian NiltavaNiltava davidi
Blue-and-white FlycatcherCyanoptila cyanomelana
Verditer FlycatcherEumyias thalassinus
White-gorgeted FlycatcherAnthipes monileger
Rufous-browed FlycatcherAnthipes solitaris
Hainan Blue FlycatcherCyornis hainanus
Pale Blue FlycatcherCyornis unicolor
Chinese Blue FlycatcherCyornis glaucicomans
Hill Blue FlycatcherCyornis whitei
Indochinese Blue FlycatcherCyornis sumatrensis
Lesser ShortwingBrachypteryx leucophris
Himalayan ShortwingBrachypteryx cruralis
Rufous-tailed RobinLarvivora sibilans
Japanese RobinLarvivora akahigeRare/Accidental
Siberian Blue RobinLarvivora cyane
BluethroatLuscinia svecica
Blue Whistling-ThrushMyophonus caeruleus
Little ForktailEnicurus scouleri
White-crowned ForktailEnicurus leschenaulti
Spotted ForktailEnicurus maculatus
Slaty-backed ForktailEnicurus schistaceus
Siberian RubythroatCalliope calliope
White-tailed RobinMyiomela leucura
Red-flanked BluetailTarsiger cyanurus
Himalayan BluetailTarsiger rufilatus
Narcissus FlycatcherFicedula narcissinaRare/Accidental
Mugimaki FlycatcherFicedula mugimaki
Snowy-browed FlycatcherFicedula hyperythra
Pygmy FlycatcherFicedula hodgsoni
Rufous-gorgeted FlycatcherFicedula strophiata
Little Pied FlycatcherFicedula westermanni
Taiga FlycatcherFicedula albicilla
Plumbeous RedstartPhoenicurus fuliginosus
White-capped RedstartPhoenicurus leucocephalus
Daurian RedstartPhoenicurus auroreus
White-throated Rock-ThrushMonticola gularis
Blue Rock-ThrushMonticola solitarius
Amur StonechatSaxicola stejnegeri
Pied BushchatSaxicola caprata
Jerdon’s BushchatSaxicola jerdoni
Gray BushchatSaxicola ferreus
Thick-billed FlowerpeckerDicaeum agile
Yellow-vented FlowerpeckerDicaeum chrysorrheum
Plain FlowerpeckerDicaeum minullum
Fire-breasted FlowerpeckerDicaeum ignipectus
Scarlet-backed FlowerpeckerDicaeum cruentatum
PASSERIFORMES: Nectariniidae
Ruby-cheeked SunbirdChalcoparia singalensis
Brown-throated SunbirdAnthreptes malacensis
Van Hasselt’s SunbirdLeptocoma brasiliana
Purple SunbirdCinnyris asiaticus
Ornate SunbirdCinnyris ornatus
Black-throated SunbirdAethopyga saturata
Mrs. Gould’s SunbirdAethopyga gouldiae
Green-tailed SunbirdAethopyga nipalensis
Crimson SunbirdAethopyga siparaja
Fork-tailed SunbirdAethopyga christinae
Purple-naped SpiderhunterKurochkinegramma hypogrammicum
Little SpiderhunterArachnothera longirostra
Streaked SpiderhunterArachnothera magna
Asian Fairy-bluebirdIrena puella
PASSERIFORMES: Chloropseidae
Blue-winged LeafbirdChloropsis moluccensis
Golden-fronted LeafbirdChloropsis aurifrons
Orange-bellied LeafbirdChloropsis hardwickii
Streaked WeaverPloceus manyar
Baya WeaverPloceus philippinus
Scaly-breasted MuniaLonchura punctulata
White-rumped MuniaLonchura striata
Chestnut MuniaLonchura atricapilla
Pin-tailed ParrotfinchErythrura prasina
House SparrowPasser domesticus
Plain-backed SparrowPasser flaveolus
Eurasian Tree SparrowPasser montanus
Forest WagtailDendronanthus indicus
Gray WagtailMotacilla cinerea
Eastern Yellow WagtailMotacilla tschutschensis
White WagtailMotacilla alba
Richard’s PipitAnthus richardi
Paddyfield PipitAnthus rufulus
Olive-backed PipitAnthus hodgsoni
Red-throated PipitAnthus cervinus
Vietnamese GreenfinchChloris monguillotiEndemic (country/region)
Red CrossbillLoxia curvirostra
Chestnut-eared BuntingEmberiza fucata
Yellow-breasted BuntingEmberiza aureolaCritically endangered
Little BuntingEmberiza pusilla
Chestnut BuntingEmberiza rutila

Birdwatchers should also be prepared to spot other species along their journey, including seasonal migrants and additional resident birds that frequent the plateau. Using a checklist allows for a more structured birdwatching experience, helping enthusiasts keep track of the unique species they encounter.

Conservation and Threats

While the Kontum Plateau is a haven for biodiversity, it faces significant conservation challenges. Habitat loss due to deforestation, agricultural expansion, and illegal logging is the most pressing issue in the region. Many of the plateau’s forests have been fragmented, reducing the available habitat for endemic and near-endemic bird species. The loss of these critical habitats has led to declines in bird populations, particularly for species that rely on specific forest types or elevations.

In addition to habitat loss, poaching and hunting pose threats to both birds and larger mammals in the region. Although conservation efforts are in place, more work is needed to protect the plateau’s unique species from further decline. The establishment of protected areas such as Ngoc Linh Nature Reserve has been a positive step, but stronger enforcement of wildlife protection laws and more sustainable land-use practices are required to secure the future of this biodiverse region.

The role of eco-tourism, particularly birdwatching tours, is crucial in raising awareness about the importance of preserving the Kontum Plateau’s biodiversity. Birdwatching tours not only provide economic benefits to local communities but also encourage the protection of natural habitats by showcasing the unique wildlife that calls this region home.

Conclusion: Exploring the Avian Diversity of Kontum Plateau

The Kontum Plateau offers a unique and unforgettable birdwatching experience. With its rich diversity of endemic and highlight species, the plateau draws birdwatchers from across the globe, eager to spot some of Vietnam’s rarest birds. Whether you are hiking through the cool pine forests of Mang Den or trekking the rugged slopes of Ngoc Linh, the opportunities for birdwatching are unparalleled.

Birdwatchers can contribute to the conservation of this incredible region by supporting eco-tourism efforts, practicing responsible birding, and raising awareness about the threats facing the plateau’s wildlife. By working together to protect this biodiversity hotspot, we can ensure that future generations continue to enjoy the remarkable avian wonders of the Kontum Plateau.

For those interested in guided birdwatching tours, WANEE Go-WILD offers expert-led tours to Kontum Plateau’s prime birdwatching locations. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or a first-time visitor, the plateau promises an exciting and rewarding wildlife adventure.


  • BirdLife International and Handbook of the Birds of the World (2016) Bird species distribution maps of the world. Version 6.0. Available at https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/requestdis https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/requestdis [Species records]
  • BirdLife International and NatureServe (2011) Bird species distribution maps of the world. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK and NatureServe, Arlington, USA. https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/requestdis [Distribution]
  • Clements, J. F., P. C. Rasmussen, T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, T. A. Fredericks, J. A. Gerbracht, D. Lepage, A. Spencer, S. M. Billerman, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood. 2023. The eBird/Clements checklist of Birds of the World: v2023. Downloaded from https://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download/ https://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/ [Taxonomy]
  • Cornell Lab of Ornithology. 2011-2018. eBird. http://www.ebird.org/ [Species records]
  • Cornell Lab of Ornithology. 2011-2018. eBird Basic Dataset (EBD) http://www.ebird.org/ [Species records]
  • Cornell Lab of Ornithology. 2011-2018. eBird (sensitive species records). http://www.ebird.org/ [Species records]
  • Xeno-canto.org https://xeno-canto.org [Species records]

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